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Vic Pipke
Edmonton, Alberta

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Aug 08, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | Thank Goodness It's Monday!

TGIM…..Thank Goodness It’s Monday!!!!!

Here’s the straight truth. Others won’t tell you this. But I’m not others and I WANT YOU to succeed. So here is the truth.

If you routinely treat TGIF, Friday, like it’s a time to relax and coast into the weekend, make Friday a practice day for the weekend, you’re robbing your future. The majority of everyone else will coast into the weekend and do nothing to make a difference in their lives for three whole days! That’s almost half the damn week! And then, they sit around and wonder why they struggle to achieve their goals, they struggle financially, they struggle with their mindset, they struggle to build a legacy for their family. And they blame outside forces for their lack of success. It’s the government’s fault, you have to be wealthy to be successful, you have to know lots of people, you have to have lots of education…..and on and on and on. No, you just wasted half your week focusing your energy on relaxing and not doing things that move you closer to your goals.

Change your habits! Make it a habit to treat every day like a Monday and an opportunity to begin to do something great! For me every day is a Monday. Every day is an opportunity to take a step closer to my goals. I’m not saying not to have fun, but you can’t take a three day weekend every weekend and expect to find success. You can’t expect to have a TGIF attitude and build massive success. So if you want to routinely cost into the weekend, get ready to choose which goals you are going to sacrifice. Might not be much of a choice because it might be all of them.


Go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

Aug 05, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | I hear all the time...

I hear all the time…”You need to take a break” or “you deserve a day off” or “slow dow, take time to smell the flowers”

But I look at the lives that those people have and I realize that most, if not all of them, have settled or given up. They have an average life at best. They are coasting through life and “hoping” for the best. Praying that they make it in the end. They live a life less fulfilled with little to no choices. Every day looks the same. And the sad thing is……the future for their children will look the same as theirs as well. In most cases they’ve forgotten how to dream.

Those people who say those things don’t have my goals and can’t see my dreams!

I want choices for my family. I don’t want to be average and barely get by! I want to leave a legacy that generation to follow will have choices in life.

So NO….I will not slow down, I will not take a day off, I will not take time to smell the flowers! I will continue to grow and develop and become the person that I need to be, to become an example for my family to follow so that they will have choices in life!

Because my kids and grandkids are watching. They are waiting to see what I do, and they WILL follow the example I leave.

And I’ll be dammed if I curse them with a poor example!!! 

What example will you leave???????

Be the change you want to see!!!!

Go be great….go be a Warrior!!!

Aug 03, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | Today is a new day!

Despite what has happened in your past, today is a new day and a new opportunity.

Your past is like luggage. Some of it is heavy, large, cumbersome baggage that weighs you down. It’s so heavy and makes every step forward feel like your feet weigh 1000 pounds. It makes your back ache and your arms and shoulders burn under the strain of carrying so much heavy burden. Most carry that around all day, every day. Despite everything else, this is the baggage most people commonly focus on.

Here’s the mistake most people make though. They mistakenly, keep carrying that luggage! It’s in the past and cannot hurt you anymore. Energy spent focusing on it is wasted.

You can choose to put down your luggage, free yourself from the baggage that’s weighing you down so you can step into your future with ease. So put down that negative, limiting, luggage!!!!

Regardless of what happened yesterday, today is a new day with new possibilities! Anything can happen today!!!!

So let’s look at every day as a new opportunity for hope, for positive possibilities, to make a change and impact the lives of others!

Go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

Jun 09, 2022

Pipke’s Perspective | Who do your dreams belong to?

Who do your dreams belong to?

First……do you have a clear picture of what your goals and dreams are at this very moment? They may very well change over time, so what are they right now? Once that’s clear, ask yourself this question.
Who do my dreams belong to? Are they your dreams or does someone else own them. Is someone else in control of what you dream about or are those unique and personal thoughts 100% yours and yours alone? Of course they are yours alone.
So if those dreams are only yours, why would someone else’s opinion matter? Everyone else is outrageously unqualified to speak intelligently about your dreams. Why would you even entertain the idea that someone else could deter or distract you from your goals?
You are the architect of your goals and dreams. Not your friends or family and especially not some unqualified opinion from a stranger on the internet.
So if someone doesn’t want to hear what you are doing to make an impact in the world and achieve your dreams…..F.I.N. (F*ck It…Next)! There are 7.5 Billion people in the world, there are plenty of people who will support your journey and need your impactful energy! Don’t waste one more second worrying about those who won’t support you or who don’t see your vision. Don’t stop loving on them, but don’t let their negativity, pessimism and lack of vision or intelligence derail your dreams!!!
Invest your energy in the people and activity that move you toward your goals and dreams. Now go be great… go be a Warrior!!!

May 29, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | Attitude and Activity!

Pipke’s Perspective

Attitude and Activity….This might not be the perspective you think it is.

Life is going to have ups and downs. At times it is going to be amazing and then there will be times when it will suck royally. That will happen for everyone. To varying degrees, at varying times, for different lengths of time. But rest assured, it will happen so embrace the suck because it means better times are coming.

But I’m reminded of an old fable of the potato, the egg and the coffee bean. If you put each in a pot of boiling water, the potato gets soft, the egg gets hard and the coffee bean makes coffee.

So the potato, egg and coffee bean were all placed in the same harsh environment but each reacted differently. One got soft, one got hard and one adapted and changed its environment to something better than when it arrived (if you like coffee I guess????).

Point being, we will all go through tough environments but how will you react. Will you let your circumstances make you soft, weak, passive, ineffective, easily mashed and give up. Will you become hard, rigid unmalleable and thus easily broken and incapable of change or love or compassion. Or will you be creative, unyielding, adaptable and change to make the most of your surroundings and turn you boiling water into warm delicious coffee?

Many times we cannot control what happens to us or around us, but we can control our attitude, the way we see things, our perception. And we can control our activity, what we do about the way we perceive things, how we react. That’s all we can control. So maybe stop wasting energy worrying about all that other stuff outside your control and just focus on that!

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

May 22, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | Stop Making Excuses!

Are you really surprised????

On top of that though, you notice that the other new people are getting raises and promotions. are talking about things you don’t understand, having conversations with the executives in the office, planning their next promotions, working hard. There is an energy that everyone else is feeding off of….except you.

And then…here it comes…your excuse to let yourself off the hook. To falsely justify why you’re falling behind.

This doesn’t work.
I can’t win.
This is too hard.
I’m not making any money. 

ABC company is still thriving and massively successful so you can’t say the business doesn’t work!

So what’s the truth? Is it maybe that you didn’t work, you didn’t read the manual, you weren’t coachable, you didn’t show up, you didn’t follow the system, you let your ego get in the way, you thought you knew better than the very successful multi-national business with all the empirical data and track records, you didn’t put in the time and you quit early.

Fact is that in order to achieve fulfillment in life, you have to work hard at something. So you can work hard for someone else (40-40-40 club…work 40 hours per week…for 40 years of your life…to retire on 40% of what you can’t afford to live on today) or work hard for yourself. Choose your hard!


May 21, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | What is your story?

Happy Saturday!

Make sure you’re telling yourself the right story when you look in the mirror. You’ll believe whatever you tell yourself.

So if you’re fixated on the mistake in your past or the struggle you’re currently in, try patting yourself on the back for all the amazing things you’ve accomplished and realize how amazing you are. We are all typically our own worst critics and we rarely stop to give ourselves credit.

So this weekend, give yourself some credit. For a few moments, relive the glory days when you were at the top of your game, when you made the right choice, when you did it right. Remember what that felt like and take that energy into your day and let that be your guide that starts your day, starts your weekend and carries you into next week. 

Warriors win on weekends while everyone else is resting.

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


May 20, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | How do you see things?

How do you see things?

I was doing my gratitude journal this morning and I was finding it challenging. Not that I wasn’t grateful for many many things but I wanted to discover some unique things that I was grateful for that I hadn’t written about before.

So I started to think about things that I had encountered in my life that I might have taken for granted and maybe never really “seen” before.

And that got me to thinking about what I am grateful for is the opportunity to “see” things. Not just the gift of sight but to see things the way…I choose to see them.

Every morning you wake up, you have the opportunity to choose the way you are going to see your day. You choose the path or course of your day. You choose how it will play out. You may not be able to choose some of the activities that will happen in your day, but you choose how you see it.

You can choose to see your schedule and events in your day as dull, boring, repetitive, uneventful or meaningless.

Or you can change your perspective and see your day as exciting, alive, eventful, adventurous, meaningful. You can choose to leave for work early and take a new path to work and see new things, go somewhere new for lunch, meet and surround yourself with new people, new environments, new experiences. Or even stop sleepwalking through your current routine and appreciate your current path and the small things that you might be missing already.

The moment you wake up, you have the power to choose how your day will play out.

What will your choice be today?

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


Apr 15, 2022

Pipke’s Perspective | Dream MASSIVELY!!!

A dream is an unrealized destiny…..

A dream is a destination, a goal, something you aim for. It is a picture of your future. But people have a tendency to dream “realistically”. They limit their dreams to their current circumstances. So they limit their dreams not realizing that they have aimed at a target of a less fulfilled and impactful life. And when your target is not very inspiring, you’re most likely not going to put the energy into achieving it. Dreams are meant to be large, bold, and even unbelievable to some in their current situation. They are meant to push you to greater heights and to improve yourself to achieve them. They push you to your destiny. 

If you don’t dream big, one day you will eventually need to become permanent cellmates with the idea that you have not fulfilled your destiny or left a legacy. That is the reason you have that dream, your “why”, will never see what could have been. 

You’ll have to realize the massive agony of regret, that you didn’t have a larger dream or a greater goal that pushed you through your obstacles to hit your target. You’ve lived a safe, average, easy life...life with an unrealized destiny. 

So do yourself a favour; take a few minutes every day to dream massive dreams. Dream dreams that others around you will think you’re crazy. Be bold, creative, and imaginative. Feel what it will be like to achieve those goals. Live your life in reverse and go in your mind to the time when your wildest dreams have become your life. Engage your senses to be present in that moment where you have fulfilled your destiny. Have fun with it! You deserve it!

If that feeling doesn’t inspire you, doesn’t give you a feeling of joy, hope, and awe….then you’re not dreaming big enough….get back to the drawing board! 

So dream massive, dream huge, dream gigantic so that you can fulfill your destiny. Don’t let your dreams become your nightmare. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?

Click the logo below to contact us!

Apr 07, 2022

Pipke’s Perspective | Perseverance

Perseverance relies on your perspective…..

Success is hard. There is no quick fix, get rich quick, or instantaneous gratification that will result in any meaningful or long-lasting results. You have to put in the work for anything worthwhile to “stick”. 

It’s easy to “persevere” through easy times or small annoyances. But when true challenges arise, when tough times are knocking on the door, persevering can seem insurmountable.  

But just when you think it’s hard, maybe too hard…remember there’s always someone who had it harder than you and still found a way to succeed. 

Someone who fought through life-altering injury, horrible illness, devastating loss, unimaginable grief. Someone who had challenges that you would NEVER wish for. They just had a powerful reason to persevere. A massive purpose that made quitting no longer an option. 

And that purpose powered them through the darkest of days to get to their brightest future. 

So when you think it’s too hard to continue, remember why you MUST persevere and put your struggle into perspective. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

Mar 28, 2022

Pipke’s Perspective | The Wall


The Wall

The wall is one of the earliest construction ideas to control our environment. Walls protected us, defined ownership of an area, divided property, set boundaries, and gave security. 

Over time, walls have been developed to either keep intruders out or hold occupants in. They have also become a metaphor for human limitation. 

But throughout history, mankind has found countless ways to defeat walls. The greatest wall ever build, the Great Wall of China, was not impenetrable. It helped defeat many intruders, but not all the time. 

Just like those who found ways around, over, or through those walls, we can always find ways to defeat the walls in our lives. 

But just like the physical walls that are designed to deter people from entering, the limiting walls in our lives will be challenging to defeat. In other words, it won’t be easy! Those walls will try to separate you from your goals and dreams. 

Probably the biggest wall you will ever have to scale is the wall in your mind. The wall that tells you: you are not good enough...you can’t do it...it’s too hard. You HAVE TO defeat those walls! If you want to achieve any level of success, you must get over those walls!!! 

“But it’s hard”…damn right it’s hard! 

It’s supposed to be hard. “Hard” is meant to separate those who really want it and those who quit because they don’t want to do the work. “Hard” is the price of admission. “Hard” is the success tax that you must pay! It is inevitable. 

Those you see who are successful, embrace the “hard” as a means to an end, a right of passage, an initiation of sorts. 

So attack your hard, fight it with the ferocity of a thousand Warriors! Relentlessly pound away at your wall until you breakthrough. It will be worth it and you will have separated yourself from those who get to the wall and quit. Those who settle for a less fulfilled life fail to leave a legacy for their families. 

What you do when you reach your walls in life, will define your future. It will be a lesson for future generations of perseverance and tenacity…or a regret you will have to live with for eternity. Which will you choose?

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!
Watch the motivational video below!

Mar 14, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | Advantage or Assassin?


Your mindset is your Advantage or your Assassin!!!

It will bring you anything you want in life or it will destroy every dream you have. 

It’s your choice….which will you choose?

Go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


Feb 05, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | 'Consumer' Report!

What you’re consuming, is consuming you…..good and bad!

Do you wish you lived in your dream home and drove your dream car?

Do you wish you could afford to vacation whenever and wherever you wanted?

Do you wish you could provide a better life for yourself and your family?

Do you wish you could leave a better legacy for future generations?

Do you wish you had better health?

Really, all these wishes come down to wanting a more fulfilling life.

One of the most impactful things my parents taught me, which I am eternally grateful for, was that the world will not give me anything. I have to work hard and earn everything I want. That means, because I have to earn it, only I can control my future.  It’s no one else’s responsibility to bring me happiness, success, wealth, love, passion, fulfillment, joy….that’s all on me! This means the level of achievement of all those goals is on me too. 

All those wishes won’t come true waiting for the “universe” to provide. Binging on TV, watching the news, eating bad food, living a dormant lifestyle, and surrounding yourself with things and people who infect your life, won’t get you to the goals that will fulfill you. Those goals don’t magically appear if you don’t take action to achieve them. But it can be challenging for some to just get started. So how do we start?

By consuming better energy, better fuel!

If you consume negativity, negativity will consume your mindset.

If you consume unhealthy food, unhealthy food will consume your body.

If you consume pessimism, pessimism will consume your attitude.

If you consume destructive media, destructive media will consume your thoughts.

If you consume things that don’t make a positive impact, those things will consume your life!

When you eat healthier, you feel healthier. When you exercise, you feel better. When you think better thoughts, you feel more uplifted. 

So concentrate on putting in the good fuel of optimism, positivity, health, constructive thinking, uplifting associations that move you forward to your desired destination and not the other stuff that consumes your goals and dreams. 

When you consume the right fuel, you will start to take action, which will drive you to your desired outcome. A life more fulfilled. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

Jan 25, 2022

Pipke’s Perspective | Warrior Mindset

Are you Prepared?

If you’re you’re not prepared to fight for the life you want, prepare to settle for the life you have. Prepare for your life to stay the same as it is today. Prepare to just get by. If you aren’t prepared to fight, your future will be the same as your current situation. 

Whether you want to realize it or not, you are at war. You are at war with the negativity and pessimism that is keeping you from stepping out of your comfort zone to do something different. You are at war with the nay-sayers who convince you to stay where you are, that you cannot change your future. You are at war with those who have convinced you to believe that settling is ok and to follow the herd. You are at war with the mindset you’ve been conditioned to believe that tells you that average is ok. 

I know everyone is capable of massive accomplishments. You are capable of currently unthinkable feats!

So instead of preparing to live out the rest of your days in the same way you are now…..prepare to FIGHT BACK!!!

Prepare to go to war against mediocre

Prepare to go to war against average

Prepare to go to war against settling

Prepare to go to war against the status quo 

Prepare to go to war against the mindset that has you where you are

Prepare to go to war against the conditioned beliefs that are preventing you from becoming your best version 

Prepare to go to war against everyone who doesn’t believe in you!

The fight won’t be easy but it will be worthwhile! Become a Warrior for you, for your family, for your life!!!

Show up for your life. Practice and prepare for the war ahead of you. Embrace your inner beast and unleash the Warrior who will take you wherever you want to go!!!

Fight like your life depends on it…because it does!

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?

Click the logo below to contact us!

Jan 14, 2022

Pipke's Perspective | Plan B?

Do you have a plan B?

If you want to be successful at anything, you have to make a conscious decision to be successful and then take action. What kind of action? MASSIVE ACTION!

One way to help yourself take that massive action is to burn your boat. Put yourself in a position where there is no way you can retreat. 

Some have the willpower to do it by simply making a decision to act. Others need to physically put themselves into an uncomfortable situation where they literally can’t go back. Most, however, will perform at peak states when their backs are against the wall when there is NO PLAN B. 

So I truly hope you don’t have a plan B. My hope for all of you is to put all your best energy into your goals and dreams. Not some energy when you have the time and you feel like it, but your absolute best energy!!! 

Let’s make 2022 the year we decided to take that massive action. The year we decided there was no looking back, no surrender, no retreat.
Let’s make 2022 the year we actually acted like Warriors!!!

Go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?

Click the logo below to contact us!

Dec 28, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | 'Certain' Call!

Are you certain?

Do you truly believe in what you talk about? If you are uncertain when you share your views on something or what you are trying to accomplish, very few will believe…that you believe.

You see, you don’t need to convince people of your view. You need to show them you believe what you are saying. 

Think about the last time you were out with friends and people started talking about eating at a really great restaurant or watching a really good movie. Didn’t everyone give their opinion? It’s like you want to sell everyone that what you experienced, was the absolute best. Most times people are very passionate about their experience because they want those around them to have the same experience! 

So when you are talking with someone, remember that someone is always “closing”. You are either closing them on your experience, belief, or point of view. Or they are closing you. You are either convincing them of your belief why they should listen to you or they are convincing you why they shouldn’t. 

So if your mission is moral and ethical, you need to talk passionately and with certainty about what you believe in. If you don’t close them on the opportunity to listen to what you can do to help them, they will not benefit from the amazing services you provide. You cannot make the decision for them, but you can ensure you communicate your belief with passion and certainty. 

Message: “I am certain!” if you are committed to building your belief so you can talk to others with the certainty THEY deserve to experience from you. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?
Click the logo below to contact us!

Dec 21, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Consume the Right Fuel

What you’re consuming, is consuming you…..good and bad!


Do you wish you lived in your dream home and drove your dream car?

Do you wish you could afford to vacation whenever and wherever you wanted?

Do you wish you could provide a better life for yourself and your family?

Do you wish you could leave a better legacy for future generations?

Do you wish you had better health?

Really, all these wishes come down to wanting a more fulfilling life.

One of the most impactful things my parents taught me, which I am eternally grateful for, was that the world will not give me anything. I have to work hard and earn everything I want. That means, because I have to earn it, only I can control my future.  It’s no one else’s responsibility to bring me happiness, success, wealth, love, passion, fulfillment, joy….that’s all on me! This means the level of achievement of all those goals is on me too. 

All those wishes won’t come true waiting for the “universe” to provide. Binging on TV, watching the news, eating bad food, living a dormant lifestyle, surrounding yourself with things and people who infect your life, won’t get you to the goals that will fulfill you. Those goals don’t magically appear if you don’t take action to achieve them. But it can be challenging for some to just get started. So how do we start?

By consuming better energy, better fuel!


If you consume negativity, negativity will consume your mindset.

If you consume unhealthy food, unhealthy food will consume your body.

If you consume pessimism, pessimism will consume your attitude.

If you consume destructive media, destructive media will consume your thoughts.

If you consume things that don’t make a positive impact, those things will consume your life!


When you eat healthier, you feel healthier. When you exercise, you feel better. When you think better thoughts, you feel more uplifted. 

So concentrate on putting in the good fuel of optimism, positivity, health, constructive thinking, uplifting associations that move you forward to your desired destination and not the other stuff that consumes your goals and dreams. 

When you consume the right fuel, you will start to take action, which will drive you to your desired outcome. A life more fulfilled. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?
Click the logo below to contact us!

Dec 06, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | Are You Ready?

If you want to change your situation, you need to change the way you think. In order to change the way you think, it will take some time. It won’t happen overnight. You didn’t get to where you are in one day. You can accelerate the process by changing your habits. 
If you change your actions and habits…you change your results.
Those new results lead to new feelings about your actions.
Those new feelings create new beliefs.
Your new beliefs create new thoughts…which create new actions…

And the process accelerates from there. So if you want to drastically change your life start every day with new activities.

Positive affirmations first thing in the morning
Write in a gratitude journal. There’s always something to be grateful for.
Read your goals consistently morning and night…AND…envision and feel what it will be like when you achieve them
Read at least 10 pages from a book that inspires and builds you!

These 4 things will start the transformation of your thinking and start your day on a positive note. And it will only take 15-20 minutes! I think you’re worth the time. 

Let’s use December to change our actions, to improve our results, which will alter our feeling, which will build our beliefs, which will change the way we think and further change our actions.
Let’s accelerate into January!!!
Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?

Click the logo below to contact us!


Dec 01, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | Why Wait?

Only a month left in the year. Soon it will be 2022! Have you figured out how you want 2022 to look for you? Have you set your list of “resolutions”? 
Resolution…let’s look at that word for a second. The root of resolution is “resolve”. And what is resolve? Here are a few definitions compliments of Mr. Webster……

> Settle or find a solution to a problem
> Cause a symptom or condition to heal or subside
> Decide firmly on a course of action
> Firm determination to do something
Solution, heal, decide, determination……..all ACTION words! It’s the idea of taking ACTION toward a goal!!!

So are you prepared to take action in 2022?
Are your goals and dreams big enough and emotional enough to drive you to take action? 
What do you want 2022 to look like?
What do you want your life to look like? 
What do you want life to look like for your family and those you care about? 
Do you want to be able to make a massive impact in people’s lives now and in the future? 
Do you want to leave a few fading memories or leave a lasting legacy?

If you want something more, something bigger, something more impactful, why wait for 2022? Why not start now, this morning, take action today!!! Don’t wait a month. Don’t get sucked into the trap of coasting through the Christmas season and then starting to pour it on the new year! 

Don’t fall into the “resolution” mentality. That’s the mentality that 99% of people fail at. They thought that “I’ll get it all going in the new year” and then they quit within the first 30 days. 

Resolve to take MASSIVE ACTION now and use the end of 2021 to build momentum into 2022 so you’re already creating a new reality and new habits! Then, while everyone is quitting, you’ll be accelerating! 

Resolutions are not just for January 1st. It’s your life, your family, your goals, your legacy! Make a resolution today to start NOW! Treat every day like it’s January 1st and resolve to go after your dreams every day! If you don’t go after your dreams, someone else will pay you to achieve theirs.

No go be great, go be a Warrior!!!


How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?

Click the logo below to contact us!



Nov 09, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | Giving Up? Giving In? or Giving It Your All?

Are you giving up, giving in, or giving it your all?

Many people don’t go after their REAL goals and dreams because it’s too hard. They don’t want to sacrifice. They don’t want to put in the extra effort. They want it to be easy. 

What they end up doing is settling for the easy road and an average life at best. A mediocre existence and a minimal legacy, if any. 

Within their inner dialogue, they convince themselves that their lack of motivation means simply that, “I would rather give up on my goals than put in the work to get there. No one else gets hurt.”

What they are really doing is abandoning everyone in their lives!!! 

They are living the easy life, ignoring the fact that living a less fulfilled life means those they care about will never get to know about and benefit from the greatness their goals and dreams can accomplish. 

You choosing not to do the hard things means you will fail to make a maximum impact on those you care about. You will never leave the legacy your family deserves. You will never leave a mark on society. You will never improve the conditions of those you care most about!!!

It’s hard……you're damn right it’s hard! It’s hard so you can grow to be the individual who earned your success. 70% of lottery winners go broke. Why…because they didn’t earn it! (And no, you’re not different!!!)

Nothing worthwhile in life comes unearned. And to be great, you have to go through the hard!

A tree needs the wind to strengthen its roots.
The bodybuilder needs to lift heavier weights to grow their muscles.
The professional athlete needs to practice longer and harder than others to be the greatest.
The entrepreneur needs to face failure and rejection to learn how to become a leader that will take his ideas to the world! 

If I told you that you would fail 1000 times but the 1001st time you would be successful, how fast would you fail? 
So do the easy things to live a hard life or do the hard things to live an easy life.
Choose your hard…your legacy depends on it.
Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Nov 01, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | Committed? To What?

What are you committed to?

When someone becomes committed to an objective they believe in, most of the time they become unstoppable at achieving their goal. So what are you committed to? 

Are you committed to a job:
  • you dislike?
  • that takes extensive time from your family and the things that bring you joy?
  • that pays you what someone else thinks you’re worth?
  • that limits your ability to earn more income?
  • that limits your growth, success, or upward mobility?
  • that controls your schedule?
  • that doesn’t make a real serious difference in people’s lives?
  • that doesn’t feel worthwhile?
  • that doesn’t give you the chance to leave the legacy you want or that your family deserves? 

I talk to so many people who are in these situations, are miserable, and don’t realize they are being committed to something they don’t want. They are committed to being mediocre, to the status quo. They are committed to stagnation and stunted growth. They are committed to being average at best. They are committed to working for someone else’s business and building the infrastructure for someone else’s success and legacy. 

This may sound like a strange idea but…I think you should be committed to the things that bring you joy and success. You should commit yourself to the activities that help you get to your goals and dreams, that build unlimited possibilities and a legacy for you and your family.

So if you’re coming home from your J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) and you don’t have the energy to work on yourself and your goals, you're not tired, you’re uninspired! 

Take some time to expand your thinking and set bigger goals for you and your family. Dream bigger and stop trying to fit your dreams into the number on your paycheque! Your paycheque is an anesthetic that numbs you into conformity so you won’t realize you are building someone else’s legacy! 

Get inspired for more. Get inspired for your family and a greater legacy. Be committed to your goals and dreams. No one else will do it for you.  This means you are only limited by your imagination and belief in yourself. No one can stop you…if you get committed to yourself more than you are committed to someone else’s dreams. If you're having trouble with this, reach out. I might be able to help.
No go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Oct 27, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Sleeper or Blockbuster?

Would you enjoy your movie?
A movie has many stages before anyone gets to see it. There has to be a writer that writes the story. A screenwriter that adapts that story to film. A casting director who chooses the right lead actors and supporting cast with the right chemistry. A producer and director that turn that vision into the final version everyone gets to see. There are many more people involved but you get the picture. 

So if you were to create the movie of your life, how would that look? Who would you choose for all those roles? Well, when it comes to your movie, it’s a one-person show! 

You are the writer, screenwriter, casting director, producer, and director. You are in charge of all of it. 

You write the story and adapt it to film. Are you writing the story you want to tell and leave the world?

You are the lead character and choose the supporting cast. Are you choosing the best cast with the best chemistry? 

Then you produce and direct the story you want to tell. Are you producing and directing a masterpiece that will last the test of time?

What does your movie look like? Is it a movie short that has people checking their phones while it plays or a trilogy that will have people lining up to watch? 

Everyone is capable of creating a blockbuster that stands the test of time! And you are the architect in every phase! Now, your first installments have been created. Was it a good or bad start? Whatever it was, you have the power to control the next chapters, to write a better story, choose different supporting characters, produce and direct a more profound movie to represent what you want to share with the world.

Make your life a movie everyone wants to watch.
Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

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Oct 25, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | 3 Step Morning Routine for Success!

Do you want to succeed? Here’s a tip….

One of the major causes of people not reaching the level of success they want is the story they tell themselves about why they can’t achieve it. It’s the limiting beliefs caused by very poor internal dialogue that hold you back. That is one of the reasons very successful people start every day with gratitude and affirmations. 

What are you grateful for in your life? Because everything in your life is a result of your actions or inactions, good and bad. If you focus on the good things first thing in the day, then you have to take credit for them! These things that you are now forced to take the credit for, are parts of you that affirm your gifts and qualities. This leads to your affirmations that help cement your uplifting attitude for the day ahead.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t take responsibility for mistakes or errors. First of all, a mistake or error is an unwitting misstep taken without malice to others. Everyone makes them. They should be used as a learning tool and move on. Secondly, if you find you’re beating yourself up over a mistake, that’s the internal dialogue you need to control. You’re not stupid or silly or an idiot. You make a mistake, take accountability, correct it and move on. You cannot change the past so use it as the catalyst to better future actions. 

Here is a great test to see if your internal dialogue is appropriate…..
The next time you are having a moment of poor internal dialogue, ask yourself, “Would I talk to my family and friends this way?” or “Would I punish my friends and family this way and for this long?” If the answer is no, time to change the dialogue. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others. 

So every morning:
1. Be grateful for something
2. Appreciate your role in what you are grateful for
3. Take a moment to acknowledge and affirm the great things about yourself that allowed you to have what you’re grateful for. And it doesn’t have to be a monumental feat of history either. 

1. I am grateful for my warm bed
2. I was able to buy this bed because of the career or job I have. I got this career or job because I worked hard or went to school or put in the sweat to get the promotion to afford this bed
3. I am a hard-working and driven individual who gets what I want if I put in the effort.

Do this every morning and see how your internal dialogue changes. You will still be self-aware but also self-confident. If you think it’s silly, that’s ok…but ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing now working for me”. If it is working for you, great, keep doing it. If you’re not where you want to be, maybe it’s time to try something new. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Oct 18, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | What Is Your Bag of Bricks?


What is your bag of bricks?

Have you ever seen an old picture of an elephant at the circus? You know, the one where a multi-ton elephant is tethered with a small rope, to an even smaller wooden stake stuck in the ground. How can that stop the elephant from leaving? It doesn’t seem real and makes no sense until you understand what happened to get that elephant to this point. That elephant could easily defeat that high-tech security system and walk away. Why does it stay? 

Well at one time, as a young elephant, that rope and stake were enough to secure the animal. As the elephant grew, it learned that it was futile to fight against the rope. It stays now because it has been conditioned as a young elephant to believe that the rope and stake are enough to hold it. The elephant doesn’t reevaluate its current surroundings to realize it now has the ability to defeat the rope and stake. 

Many people are controlled by that same idea. There is a rope and stake securing their mind to believe some false narrative about themselves. Maybe it’s the narrative that “I’m not good enough”, “I can’t succeed”, “I can’t do this” or “I can’t get past where I am so I’ll settle for a life much less than what I really want”. 

These conditioned beliefs are like a bag of bricks that hold you back, slow you down, or in some cases, completely crush you. You carry that bag with you everywhere. You bring it with you to work, into your relationships, into your hobbies, into your leisure activities and if you’re not careful, you’ll pass your bag of bricks on to your children to carry for the rest of their lives as well. Is that the legacy you want to leave?

Once you realize you can put your bag of bricks down, you start to untether your mind and free yourself from the rope and stake that is holding you back! 

Stop listening to that mindset and beliefs that tie you down to a location or situation that does not fulfill you. Reevaluate your situation and start to realize you have the ability to change your mindset and thus your circumstance to free yourself from the rope that keeps you from your freedom. 

Put down your heavy bag of bricks, and free yourself! Only you can put those bricks down and walk away. Until you do that, you will find it increasingly difficult to change your circumstances and build the legacy you want for your family. 

Nothing changes until something changes……you can’t change the world while tied to a post!
Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!! 


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Oct 14, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | Follow Your Instinct

Follow your human nature……

So many times I hear people say, “I hate selling!” I think that is absolute BULL……..

People love selling…..things they believe in. 

You tell everyone you know about an amazing book you read or a great meal at a restaurant or great service from someone assisting you. Guess why….because you believe your experience was so amazing that you want others to have the same amazing experience! It’s instinctual!!!

It goes against human nature to recommend something we don’t believe in, to be of disservice to others. 

A minority of people will let their greed overpower their instinct and allow them to sell something they don’t believe in. However, the majority of people get such a sick feeling advocating for something they don’t believe in, that it deters them from selling that product or service. 

One problem though is that some good people are put in a position where they are forced to sell something they don’t believe in so they can earn a paycheque to survive. They have to choose between feeding their family and doing something that makes them feel bad, dirty, or even sick to their stomach. 

We have an amazing opportunity to share what we do with people, to sell them our experience, so they don’t have to be trapped in that situation ever again. You should feel absolutely sick to your stomach NOT telling people what we do as it changes people's lives! You are doing people a disservice by not talking to them. And being a disservice to others goes against your human nature.

Don’t for one second be apprehensive about sharing something with people that is for their own good, even if they don’t know it yet! You can change people’s lives by sharing your experiences. 

So go share your experiences with EVERYONE! Leave an impact in the world and a legacy for your family! Message “Instinct” if you commit to leaving that legacy. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Oct 06, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | Got fuel? What kind?

What fuel are you using?…….

I have heard that the fastest vessel ever created, a rocket, uses over 90% of its fuel and needs to attain a speed over 11km/second, that’s about 40,000 km/h, to achieve escape velocity and defeat the Earth’s gravity. It requires a massive amount of energy and has to burn tons of quality fuel to achieve its goal of getting into space. But once it has left the atmosphere, it requires very little energy to complete its journey. 

The same is true with your personal goals. Whether in business, your career, your school, or any other journey, you will need to expend the vast majority of your energy in the beginning. You will need to learn your craft, study, build your skills, create the momentum to escape the gravity holding you back from achieving your success.

And what is that gravity?
It’s your fears 
It’s your doubts
It’s your disbelief
It’s rejection
It’s impatience
It’s failure
It’s indecision
It’s distractions
It’s lack of focus
It’s lack of activity
It’s poor associations
It’s poor rocket fuel!!!


So what fuel are you putting into this rocket? 
Are you seeking the help of successful people?
Are you being coachable?
Are you being focused?
Are you improving your associations?
Are you reading good books?
Are you’re goals clearly defined?
What activity are you choosing to fuel your rocket? 

If you fill your rocket with quality fuel it will burn efficiently and defeat your gravity. 
Know your ‘why’!
Get laser-focused!!
Use only premium fuel!!!
Build up your momentum!!!!
Engage in the activity that generates the energy you need to get to your goals!!!!!
Once you get away from your gravity, the journey will seem effortless. 

Message or comment “I’m filling up with premium” if you’re committed to building the energy you need to get to your goals!

Now go be great, go be a Warrior!!!


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Sep 27, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Are You Being Realistic?

Are you being realistic?……..

What are your goals? What are you trying to accomplish? What are your expectations about what you’re trying to accomplish? Are you being realistic?

You might think I am going in one direction here but you might also be surprised at what I’m going to say next…..being realistic is the best way to be mediocre…at best! Everyone says, “you have to be realistic” or “don’t set your sights so high”. That’s a load of B.S.!!!

Set your goals so high that the thought of achieving them is exhausting. Why help 10 people when you could help 10 million? Why make $10,000 a month when you could make $1 million a month and help so many more people. Why run a mile when you could run an ultra-marathon. Why do 10 push-ups when you could do 1000? 

The trick is that once you set your aim at your target, your big goals and dreams, engineer realistic steps to get there. 

You won’t be in peak physical condition if you just started working out. But you can set daily, weekly and monthly goals to get you to your ultimate target. You won’t make $1million if you’ve just opened your business but you can start by making $1000 and build off that. 

Can you imagine where we would be if someone didn’t dream of phones that did not have to be attached to the wall? If no one thought that there was a better way to get around than a horse and buggy or a boat? If there was never a person who thought of making a computer that could fit in your pocket? If no one dreamed of vaccinations to prevent illnesses?
Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci drew plans for airplanes and submarines 400 years before they were built?

Don’t be realistic. Don’t settle for average goals. Don’t be mediocre. You were meant to do amazing things with your life, not be average. Your elevated goals could change the lives of generations of people. 

So what goals will you set? If you have set your goals already, revisit them and ask yourself if they are grand enough. Will your goals make a massive positive impact on the world? Then make a plan of challenging smaller goals to get to your ultimate dream. 

Then teach others to set massive goals and inspire them to make a difference. Your example could stimulate others to make changes that impact the world.

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

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Sep 15, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | What's Your Legacy?


How do you want people to remember you?

How do you want history to remember you?

What do you want to leave this world when you’re gone?

What impact do you want to have on your family generationally?

What do you want your name to mean?

Most people want to leave wherever they are, a better place than when they arrived. But how does one go about that?

You can work hard and eventually build structures that help people or systems that improve circumstances for others. You can make lots of money and leave it for your family. You can create a lot of different things that will improve people’s lives, but most of those “things” won’t stand the test of time. 

Time will degrade materials. 

Time will allow for better solutions to evolve. 

Time will eventually eat away at wealth. 

What will never fade is the persistent knowledge that you pass on and the ability to duplicate that process. I learned from a mentor long ago, the idea that if you teach a mass of people something for a short period of time, that knowledge and ability will die with them and that generation. However, if you pour your spirit into building a few select people and teach them how to do what you did for them, you will become immortal. Your energy, skills, and knowledge will then get passed on for generations. 

Instead of building structures, teach someone else to do it better.

Instead of finding a solution for every problem, teach others how to develop the process to find their own solutions.

Instead of amassing wealth to leave for your family, teach them to build and manage their own wealth.

Then teach them how to teach others to do the same. 

Of course, you still want to have an impact on your surroundings today and should never stop striving to make your immediate surroundings better. But when it comes to your legacy, think about leaving behind something that time cannot take away. 

For some, the idea of an enduring legacy is too big a concept to think about, mostly because they’ve never been challenged to think that big. So I challenge you…….start thinking that big. Start thinking about the next century, not next weekend.

What will you start doing today that will change the lives of people in a positive way, for centuries to come? Why only feed the hungry in your community, why not the entire world. Why only help a million people when there are 7.5 billion people in the world? Why only improve this generation when there will be many more to come. 

If you aim at that incredible target, the worst-case scenario……you will leave a massive impact on tons more people than if you thought small. Message/comment, “My NAME will mean something!” if you commit to building a bigger legacy if you commit to making your name mean more to history than what it does now. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Sep 10, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | We're Not Selling Snake Oil!

Do you seek “stuff”…..?

Some people love the big fancy house and cars. Or even more expensive things like a yacht or a private jet. Maybe it’s beautiful jewelry or other fancy belongings.

Do people who like these flashy things suffer from a lack of morality or ethics? Could the wealth that accumulated these things be used for a better purpose? Maybe, but I’m not here to judge. 

How about we ask a few questions to understand. What did that person do to amass the wealth to purchase that “stuff” and how did their efforts impact others? 

If a person's efforts are moral and ethical, does it matter what they do with what they earn? And if you’re envious of their lifestyle, maybe you should do what they do. Furthermore, if their pursuits impact others in a positive way, does it matter that they buy a fancy car or a jet? 

Philosophically, you may have thoughts about the pursuit of “things”. But if a person amassed these things by serving others, by positively impacting people in a massive way, who cares what they do with that wealth. I know for a fact that you can help A LOT more people with $100 Million than $100. Money just magnifies your character.

We aren’t selling snake oil. We aren’t distributing things that have no impact on society. What we do transforms people into better versions of themselves through our entrepreneurial opportunities! Our services change lives, save marriages, build families, provide profound value that no one else is doing! The fact we earn amazing compensation for our efforts is just an organic indication of the masses we help!

If you don’t believe what we do makes that kind of impact, I suggest you show up, read good books, associate with higher thinking people and get out in the field. If you don’t get in front of people to show them the amazing things we do, you can’t help anyone!!!

Once you amass amazing wealth, you can do whatever you want with it. As long as what you do to amass that wealth is moral and ethical and in service of others, you shouldn’t need to justify anything. 

Some people are motivated by the bling and some by the things you can do to help others, including themselves and their families. We change people. So if you own a jet or a massive mansion, that just shows me you’ve changed more lives than most! 

Message/Comment, “I’m changing lives” if you agree.

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Sep 07, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Good Things Come To Those Who...

Good things come to those who……….….wait????? ????

Who thought of that saying? To quote an old classic SNL character…. “Could it be…..SATAN???” (Church Lady for those too young to know)

When was the last time you heard of someone sitting on their butt, doing nothing, making no contributions to themselves, their families, or anyone else, watching TV, playing video games, binging Netflix, just waiting…when was the last time you heard of good things coming to someone like that? 

Does it happen? Well, let’s put it this way. There are 86,400 seconds in a day and a broken watch is right for 2 of them. That’s .0023% of the time. So yeah, it does happen. But let’s be serious. Do you want your future to be like that, a broken watch? Do you want to leave your future to chance?

Good things come to those who…TAKE ACTION!

Make a decision, build a plan and take action NOW, TODAY! Don’t wait until you know everything or are “ready”. What does being ready even mean? You’ve never done what you’re about to do, so how do you know if you’re ready? You will learn exponentially more from doing than from thinking about it! So get going!!!

You may think you have lots of time, but you have no time to waste! There are people who need your service, some of them desperately. You have the power to impact people in ways you haven’t experienced yet. So what the hell are you waiting for? Get going immediately! Don’t take action tomorrow. Don’t wait until later today. Take action NOW!

Your future depends on it!

If you’re going to take control of your life and your future. If you’re going to change the legacy of your family. If you're going to make an impact, take immediate, massive action!

Comment “I’m taking action NOW!” if you commit to not waiting for good things to come to you and will make then happen. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Sep 01, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Reframing the 'Struggle' Concept

Do you Struggle?

Many people have struggles in life. Struggles with their job, making ends meet, multi-tasking family and other responsibilities, and building their business. 

Now first assess whether what you are struggling with is worth struggling for! Are you struggling with something that has a high probability of little to no upside or is your struggle part of a process? 

As an example, if you are passionate about being a doctor, you will need to struggle for up to a decade or more to get into your specialty. But a lifelong, well-paid career of service to others might be the goal that you are willing to struggle for. You wouldn’t get through the first year of pre-med and expect it to be done. You know it’s going to take time, hard work, and patience. The struggle will eventually and PREDICTABLY pay off. You just can’t quit. 

Conversely, if you’re struggling to start a business that very few are successful at long term, you have to determine if that is something you want to endure. Will a decade of struggle, to end up just getting by, be worthwhile? Does your system work?

Now if the struggle IS worthwhile, you need to appreciate and maybe even reframe the concept of “struggle”. 

If the vast majority of people realize massive success when they stay the course and trust the system, then the struggle is just part of the process. So the struggle is just like an obstacle. An obstacle course isn’t made to be impassable…it’s meant to challenge you to be good enough to complete. 

You’re not the person today you need to be to get to your dreams. The struggle is the stone of success that sharpens your skills so you can achieve those lofty goals! It’s the obstacle that ensures WHEN you arrive at your destination, you are worthy of being there. 

Think of people who win lotteries. Statistics show that about 70% of lottery winners, whether they win 500 Million or 1 Million, end up bankrupt. Why? Because they didn’t earn it. They didn’t struggle. They didn’t sharpen themselves on the stone of success. They didn’t pay the “success tax”. 

Those who build wealth through hard work, have a much greater chance of maintaining it and making an impact in the world.

So instead of thinking of “struggle” toward your worthwhile goal as a bad thing, think of it as the catalyst to eventually realize greater, long-lasting achievements. It’s the springboard to greater heights. It’s the uphill hike to the best view in the world! It’s the proving ground that will allow you to serve others as your absolute best version! 

If you commit to embracing your struggle, message “I am sharpening my stone of success” so everyone can see your accountability!

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Aug 27, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Be Greedy

What do you really want?

What is it that you want in your life? Not what your parents want for you or what your friends think you should do….what do YOU want?

Dream big about what you want. It is impossible to dream about something that is impossible. It was believed to be a physical impossibility for a human being to run a mile in under 4 minutes…until Roger Bannister did it. Thomas Edison believed he could use electricity to bring light to the darkness, and he changed the world. There are countless examples of achievements that were once believed impossible or “just a dream”. 

Be in the “want” business, not the “need” business! Stop listening to people who tell you to be practical, who tell you to accept only as much as you need. That’s is the mantra of the average and unsuccessful. You are not average, you are extraordinary!

Greed, with the right strength of character, is a catalyst for change and improvement. Be greedy about your time and building yourself, your mindset, so you can serve others at a much higher level. Be greedy about making more money so you have more to share with those in need. Donating $10 is great but $1,000,000 can do a lot more good. 

Stop thinking sooooo small! That is not your purpose! You are meant to make an impact in this world so make it a massive impact. Leave a mark on history that time cannot erase! That starts with massive dreams.

Message “I am greedy” if you are dedicated to going after your massive dreams and making a mark in this world for the betterment of others!

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?

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Aug 24, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | NEXT!!!


Have you ever seen the Seinfeld episode with the “Soup Nazi”? 

He made the best soup in the city. People lined up around the corner to get his soup. His real name was Yev Kassem and his nickname came from the fact that he had a very unique system for ordering and receiving your soup order. If you followed his system, you got access to the best soup around and got to enjoy every spoonful! If you did not follow his system, he would give your money back, refuse your order and yell “NEXT!” Despite his very unique methods, people still lined up for his soup….why? Because it was the best!

Don’t be afraid of being different. Don’t be afraid of doing things uniquely. 

Our business is different by design. It’s meant to be different from everywhere else, because everywhere else doesn’t work for the majority of people. So don’t be afraid to speak up and share what we do. People will line up to get the information you have…why? Because we are the best solution for the majority of people!!!

And those that don’t want to listen………….NEXT!

Go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?

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Aug 21, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Make A List...


Make a list…….

This might not be the list you’re expecting me to talk about but it will be the most powerful list you will EVER create.

Make a list of everything and everyone who is preventing you from reaching your potential. Be precise on exactly who is responsible for you not being where you want to be or feel you deserve to be. Is it the government, your boss, your family, your friends, your competition? Once you think you’ve made a comprehensive list of all the people who are holding you back, all the people who are responsible for you not achieving your goals, close your eyes and take a long deep breath…..

If YOUR NAME is not at the top of the list, you are delusional!

Your name should be the only name on that list! No one else can stop you from your full potential except you! Only you control that! 

I’m not saying that bad things don’t happen to good people. There are things outside your control that you cannot avoid. But guess what, you don’t corner the market on misery! Everyone has it. But you choose what you do about that misery, those bad things outside your control. You choose your reactions. You can let them bring you down or turn them into the fuel that runs the supercharged vehicle that is your life! 

And once you truly realize that your name is the only one that matters on that list, you will understand that you, and only you, have full control of your life. You are the foremost expert of your life, no one else!

Once you realize this…GET TO WORK!

Be honest with yourself about what you want. 

Sincerely address the things that you need to work on. 

Seek out the help and suggestions of qualified experts in areas you want to learn. 

Be realistic about what it will take to achieve your goals.

And if you possess a strong work ethic, anything is within your grasp!

Become self-aware…realize you are the only one who can get in your way. Once you do, you will be unstoppable.

Message “unstoppable” if you will take control of your life. 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

How would you like to discover how working along with our team can help you build a legacy and solidify your financial future? Sound good?

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Aug 17, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Who Are You...Really?

Who do you think you are???

What is your belief about who you are, where you can go, and who you can become?

There are countries in this world that oppress their people. Restrict their movement, freedom of speech, education, financial opportunities. Canada is one of the best countries in the world, but many are being oppressed right now in this country. Not by the government or large businesses or even the media. You’re being oppressed by your own mind!

Your belief guides your actions, thus your success. Belief can also restrict your progress if you have a limiting belief and associate with others who have limiting beliefs. 

So do you believe you are meant to settle, you only deserve limited success or happiness? Or do you truly believe you can achieve your wildest goals and dreams? 

If you do believe you are capable of anything imaginable, you have to become the most optimal you. 

To optimize who you are, you first need to focus your thoughts on how to become your own best version. That means disregarding the opinions of others who have no impact on your life or possess expertise that can help you evolve. This might mean limiting access for some people, to your amazingness! 

Choose your associations wisely!
Start focusing on what you need to do to become your best version!!
Build your belief in yourself and go after your wildest goals and dreams!!!

You are not meant to settle! Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Aug 10, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Claim Your Cow!

Where does milk come from? Who gives us our milk? If you said cows give milk, you are wrong!

Cows don’t give us anything! Cows produce milk as a biological process but they don’t give it to us. Someone has to get up very early in the morning, go out to a barn somewhere, tie up the cow’s tail, hogtie the legs, put a stool down and milk that cow, process the milk, and then get that milk to market so it can be purchased. There is planning and execution that takes place in order for the cow’s milk to make it into our bodies. 

Life is similar to the cow. Life’s milk is ‘opportunity’! Life will produce lots of opportunities but it is up to us to get up early, plan and execute in order to bring that opportunity into our lives. Life doesn’t give those opportunities away, we have to go get them. 

But many stand outside the barn and wait for someone else to get the milk and then wonder why that someone else gets all the success, all the wealth. They don’t understand that they can milk the cow as well if they’d just get out of their comfort zone and take the opportunity to milk the cow themselves. 

So are you standing outside the barn of your life?

Are you waiting for someone else to bring the milk of opportunity to you?

If you are, it will never arrive. You have to go get it!

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Don’t wait for someone else to bring this opportunity to market for you. Take responsibility for this opportunity. Go into the barn, claim your cow, put your still down, and get to work! The milk always tastes better when you get it yourself! 

Follow us on FB, IG or LinkedIn and comment/message: “I’m going into the barn!” if you commit to taking responsibility, taking control of your opportunity, and milking your own cow!!!!

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

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Aug 07, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Write Your Best Novel!


Where are you focusing……?


I love the saying, “I never lose, I either win or I learn”

If you live by that belief, that will force you to focus on your goals, to look ahead. 

Too many times, people get stuck focusing on the past. The past bad decisions, the past mistakes, the past tough times. Most of their energy goes to the past and it’s impossible to focus on two things at once. There is no such thing as true multitasking. You can switch rapidly between different things you focus on, but you can only think and focus on one thing at a time. And where our focus goes, our energy flows. Focusing on the past leads to regret, sadness, depression, or at the very least…stagnation. 

The past is meant for learning, not focusing. Focus on your goals, your dreams, your legacy, your future. The future is yet to be written, and you’re the author! So what will you write?

Will you write a boring short story of regret, mediocrity, and stagnation? That is not inspiring or of any positive service to anyone, including yourself and your family. 

Or will you write a blockbuster best-selling novel that they will make movies about and read in schools for children to learn?

Focus on your future…write your best novel!
Message “novel” if you’re committed to focusing on your future!

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

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Aug 02, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Casting Shade

Have you ever walked in the forest and noticed the differences in the heights of the trees and how they grow? How some trees are so large and then scattered among the towering trees will be much smaller trees?

Now you might think that the smaller trees are a different type of tree or maybe a younger tree that is still growing. But the truth is, that it is the exact same type of tree. So why is it so small? Largely this is due to the fact that it is growing in the shade of all the other larger trees. Therefore it does not get the sunlight it needs to grow. It does not get as much water because the trees shading them block the rain as it falls. The smaller trees do not get the nutrients they need to flourish!

Our minds work the same way. Your mind cannot grow if it is always in the shade. And what is that shade?

It’s doubt

It’s disbelief

It’s pessimism

It’s negativity

It’s ridicule

It’s the limiting beliefs others put on you…and you repeat it to yourself

It’s the “trusted” people in your life who tell you it’s not possible, you can’t do it…and you repeat it to yourself

It’s the people who always see the worst in everything and everyone, who point out your flaws…and you repeat it to yourself

It’s the constant barrage of negativity in the news that gives you the feeling there is no hope…and you repeat it to yourself 

But we are not trees. We are not destined to stay in one place. We are not limited by our geography. We can move, we can transplant ourselves and our lives. We can move out of the shade and into the sunlight and quench our thirst! We can surround ourselves with like-minded people who allow our minds to grow and flourish! 

So what is the shade holding you back from greatness?
What is stopping you from growing to heights you may have never thought possible?
What is preventing you from being your best version?

Consider: if one tree grew to massive heights; if one person has been successful; so can you!!!

Get out of the shade. Do it now for you, your family, and your legacy. Move to where the power and energy of like-minded people will give you the room and nutrients to grow so you can serve as your own best version!

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Jul 22, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Powerful Mindset vs Physical Ability

Achievement mindset……

Have you ever heard the saying, “you can accomplish anything you put your mind to”?  

Where did that come from?

Your ability to accomplish a task or reach a goal has less to do with your physical ability and almost everything to do with your mental ability. A powerful mindset will outperform physical ability EVERY TIME!

Here is a perfect example…..

When I was in high school, many of my friends and I made up most of the sports teams. It was a small school and we all grew up together to build some pretty successful teams. Individually we were good athletes but nothing spectacular. But as a team we were amazing!

But there was one of my friends and teammate, Paul MacDonald, who was probably the most gifted athlete I had ever seen in my years playing sports in high school, college, and university. It was amazing that he could be presented with a new activity and instantly perfect that new skill and be amazing at it…almost like downloading a new skill in the Matrix! He was the best athlete on our team and it pushed me, and I believe the rest of the team, to be my/our best. 

But my senior year, I decided I was going to surpass Paul and be the top athlete in the school. My stubbornness was my ally and the consistent belief my parents poured into me that I could accomplish anything I put my mind to, was my mantra. So although I had only a fraction of the natural talent that Paul possessed, I had my own secret weapon. I had a mindset that pushed me to work harder and longer than everyone else. 

I would be the first to practice and the last to leave. I would go into the gym for hours and hours on weekends and during holidays while everyone else was resting and taking a break. I would get up earlier than everyone else and be done with my first workout (that’s right, I said the first workout) before anyone else was even thinking of getting up. I would listen to things that inspire and push me and I would tell myself that no one can defeat me (I didn’t know it at the time, but I was doing affirmations before I knew there was such a thing). On top of practicing with the team, I put in hundreds of hours of extra practice and by the end of the year, achieved my goal. And receiving the top athlete award at the end of the year felt like such an amazing accomplishment. I couldn’t even remember the pain and struggle I went through.

That experience taught me so much and I believe that it set the tone for many future accomplishments.

The lessons I learned from that were many…..

-If you truly plant your flag, if you make a decision, you will be unstoppable

-Your mindset and belief is your most powerful weapon…so keep it sharp!!!

-It will take time, persistence, patience, and hard work…but the destination is worth it

-You can never quit…if you want to quit something, quit quitting!!!

-You need to put in the right energy every day not just into your activity but also into your mind

-I had to keep building my mindset every day!!

The temptation to quit was strong, it was hard, it was unpleasant and painful and there were a lot of sacrifices. I did not possess an equal amount of skill and natural ability, I was small for my age……but I had a larger vision, put in more work, and possessed a stronger mindset than anyone I knew when it came to that goal. And I learned some amazing lessons by actually doing it!

So thank you Paul for being such an amazing rabbit to chase. But I have to give the vast majority of credit to my parents, who cemented into my brain, that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. It was that mindset that gave me the internal strength and fortitude to do whatever it took to achieve my goals!

What are you putting your mind to?
Do you build your mindset and your belief in yourself every day? 

What are your thoughts around your limitations? 

That’s a trick question…because you have none!!!

Go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Jul 17, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Breaking the Cycle

Ahhhh, remember when…..

This can be a dangerous mantra. Unfortunately, most people who recall the past concentrate more on the negative. They wake up and spend their days thinking about the tragedy that occurred, sad things that happened, and bad decisions they made in the past. Seeing as you can’t feel better than you think, that controls our mood and what action you will or will not take. 

And seeing as we manifest what we think of the most, typically that brings more tragedy, sadness, and poor decisions. Science has proven that your thoughts can make you sick and this creates a horrible cycle that results in illness which, in turn, creates more bad thoughts and leads many to spiral down uncontrollably. 

So how do we break the cycle?

Be very conscious about your thoughts. If you spend a lot of time dwelling on the past, start to think about the future and dream of a time when things will be perfect. Take time to imagine your ideal situation!

If you start spending more time doing that than recalling the things that make you feel bad, you’ll start to feel better. Then you’ll be able to start taking the actions you need to take, to move toward your ideal. This will create new memories of accomplishment, success, and fulfillment. Which will create better thoughts, better activity, and better memories which will create even better thoughts…..

Now you have reversed your cycle to one of positivity and happiness which will exponentially compound over time. 

Change your life by changing your thoughts! 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

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Jul 08, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Choose Your Pain!

The pain of hard work or the pain of regret….you choose!

If you were an employee in your life, you would either pay the success tax during your life or you will pay the regret tax during your exit interview.

Just like in any job, when we get paid more, when we are more successful, we pay more income taxes. Well, there is a success tax in your life as well. If you want to be more successful, you have to pay more success taxes. Those taxes come in the form of hard work, practice, sacrificing short term, and patience just to name a few. The more success you seek, you will have to pay more taxes in any area of your life.

But if you don’t want to pay the success tax, those taxes will be deferred until your exit interview. Until a time later in life when you are forced to reflect on what could have been, on the life you and your family could have lived. When you are nearing the end of your life, regret will be the taxes you will have to pay and those taxes are significantly higher!!!

Think of something you wish you had done in the past that would have paid off massively “if only”...

  • The job you might have been offered and did not take. 
  • The move you didn’t make. 
  • The early investment of time could have given you more time now.
  • The look on your family’s faces when you can’t afford the time, money, or effort to reward them with what they deserve. 
  • Living a life less fulfilled.

If you don’t pay the success taxes you better get used to saying “if only” and paying the massive regret taxes.

Push through the pain of hard work now so you won’t feel the deeper pain of regret later.

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

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Jun 28, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Reject This Thought!

What do you believe?

No one will believe in you until you believe in yourself! But how do you fix this? I’ll share one secret……..

Let’s start by asking what you are telling yourself? What thoughts are hijacking your belief? Do you say….

“I can’t do it”

“I’m not good enough?”

“I’m not as good as others”

“I’m not capable”

“I don’t know how”

“I’m stupid”

“I’m a (condescending label)”

Those are pretty horrible things to say or think about yourself. And if you want others not to think those things about you, you have to stop thinking those things first!

But there is another very harmful mantra that most people use that hurts them as much if not more than those other thoughts. The reason it is so invasive and many times more harmful is because it hides under a veil of positive thought. It is the underlying stress that manifests in substance abuse…it’s the sore back that manifests from improper footwear…it’s the headache that is the overt sign of dehydration. It hides in plain sight and disguises itself so we won’t think twice about using it. Do you want to know what that thought is????

“I’LL TRY……”

It is poisonous cancer to our thoughts. It is an invasive viral pandemic that affects people regardless of class, race, orientation, spiritual belief, location, or any other human label. 

It says, “I’m going to appease others by saying it, but I don’t really think I’ll succeed so I’ll give myself an out”. By saying “I’ll try” you are saying to yourself there is a chance you won’t follow through so you’re giving yourself an excuse. And it subconsciously says to others that you don’t have the fortitude and confidence to finish what you claim. So why would they believe in you? 

It is very well proven that our thoughts become our reality. Psychologists call it a “self-fulfilling prophecy” where your thoughts bring about reality in yourself and/or others. So be very careful what you say to yourself. It allows you not to be accountable. That’s why daily affirmations are so powerful!

So here is an easy/difficult thing to do to combat this. Easy because it sounds like a simple fix. Difficult because you may find it very challenging to do…..

Exchange “I’ll try” with “I WILL”


Don’t give yourself an out. Don’t let yourself off the hook. Don’t have a built-in excuse.

Say “I WILL” out loud to others and be accountable for your words. 

Say “I WILL” to yourself to build your belief and your personal integrity. 

Say “I WILL” to change your mindset

Say “I WILL” and go change the world

Say “I WILL be great”


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Jun 21, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Commit Without Limits!

What are you committed to?

When I ask people that question, most answer that they are committed to their family and good friends first. Then their J.O.B. And after that, maybe a charity or a hobby. 

Unfortunately, many people are only committed when it’s convenient for them…they are casually committed. So really, for many people, their idea of commitment is more the idea of being comfortable. 

There are lots of “reasons” people will use to put limitations on their commitment. Most of them are just excuses to stay comfortable. If you are serious about realizing your dreams, please stop the excuses. 

The truth of the matter is…no one cares about your excuses! All they care about is whether you showed up and did what you said you would. For every excuse, I can provide an example of how someone succeeded despite that same or worse circumstances. Here’s something to think about…most people will show up to help a friend move but won’t show up for the goals they claim are important to them. 

So I challenge you….take an honest look at what you’re doing and ask if you are truly committed. Stop lying to yourself………


  • Are you following through with what you say you’re going to do…or is your integrity taking a hit?


  • Are you making it happen…or are you making excuses for why you can’t?


  • Are you showing up for yourself and your family…or are you letting yourself get distracted by things that don’t serve you?


  • Are you working on yourself to grow into the person you need to be in order to get to your goals…or are you coasting and settling?


  • Are you committed…or are you comfortable?

If your answers are not congruent with being committed to your goals, I urge you to refocus your energy to start showing up for your dreams. 

Now go be great, go be a Warrior!!!

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Jun 18, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Quit Quitting!!!


Do you want to be unstoppable, undefeatable, indestructible???
DON’T QUIT!!!!!!

But “don’t quit what?” you might ask. The easy answer is…..well, everything. For example…..

Who has ever started watching a bad movie, TV series or started reading a bad book and about halfway through getting to the point where you don’t want to watch or read it anymore? And then how many people think, “I’ve come this far and have put in this much time, might as well finish or see it through.” That’s very commendable to not give up on something you’ve started. Congratulations!

But people will much more easily give up on themselves when there is a struggle or they don’t want to “watch” anymore. Isn’t that sadly amazing? Those people will more easily and quickly give up on themselves, their lives, and their family’s future, than an entertainment vehicle!

You see if you want to be unstoppable, undefeatable, indestructible….you need to stop quitting on yourself first! 

If you want to quit something, quit quitting on yourself and your goals and dreams! You will need to grow and expand into a newer and better version of yourself in order to get to that awesome future you dream of. 

The best example of this is Mother Nature. When there is a forest fire, new trees grow from the destruction left behind. Now, the trees don’t magically reappear. They start as saplings and with water and sunshine…also provided by Mother Nature…those trees eventually grow to become a massive forest once again. If Mother Nature gave up, if she quit, we would have a world full of half-grown trees…and all the issues with the climate that go along with it.

Give yourself the water and sunshine you need to grow and expand in your life.
Be patient, consistent, and unrelenting.
Don’t turn off the TV of your life. It’s one heck of a show and you will want to see the ending! 

Now go be great…go be a Warrior!!!


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Jun 16, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Feel 'Comfortable' About Feeling 'Uncomfortable'

“I just want to be ‘comfortable’”  Ok, so let’s analyze ‘comfortable’!

Comfort is a subjective term. What is comfortable for you may not be comfortable for me. Comfort for you might be a stable J.O.B. with decent pay, benefits, and 3 weeks of holidays every year. 

To me, that level of comfort is not acceptable for so many reasons. For me, that “comfort” means my family will have an average life at best. It means that the legacy I leave will last maybe one generation at the most. It means that my family and I will forever wish for more than average and worst of all, because of the example I set….my kids and grandkids will learn that settling is ok.

I want an amazing life for my family and to leave a long-lasting legacy for generations to come. That means that I cannot and will not tolerate being comfortable. 

Nothing important has ever come from a place of comfort. Life doesn’t reward you for being comfortable. Rewards come from hard work, persistence, consistency, patience, longevity, all of which are uncomfortable. 

Life is a marathon. And when you run a race it is uncomfortable. In a marathon, you push hard and then you reach a point where it’s so uncomfortable that you feel like quitting. That’s called “the wall”. Some stop and bow out of the race. 

But those who finish, those who are successful, experience something almost magical! Every runner will tell you, that if you just hang on long enough, you will get past that wall and feel amazing for the rest of the race. The massive discomfort you feel as you reach the wall, magically disappears. 

Does that mean your body isn’t still experiencing the discomfort of the race? No! It means your mind has accepted that this is what it is going to take to finish and ceases to think about the pain. Instead, your mind starts to think about finishing. Your body has gotten conditioned to the discomfort and your mind is leading you to the finish line! You have become comfortable being uncomfortable. 

If you choose to quit before getting past your wall, then you cannot complain about not having what you want in life. No one and nothing else is to blame. 

Don’t stop in the middle of the race, stop at the end. Push through your wall of discomfort. On the other side are pure magic and an amazingly comfortable discomfort. 

Now go be great, go be a Warrior!!!


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Jun 11, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Guard Your Associations

If you hang around 5 confident people, you will be the 6th…

If you hang around 5 intelligent people, you will be the 6th…

If you hang around 5 millionaires, you will be the 6th one…

If you hang around 5 negative people, you will be the 6th…

Are you seeing a trend?

Think about this….would you want your children hanging around with other children who were misbehaving, committing crimes, skipping school, were mean, and bullying other children? Of course not! And why is that? Because you know there is a significantly greater chance they will do the same things. So why is it alright for you to tolerate being around people who lack strength-of-character, who lack the qualities of a true friend? 

There is a psychological phenomenon called mob mentality. When a person is surrounded by a large group, the energy of the group can overcome one’s ability to stay in tune with their morals and beliefs. Most will actually participate in activities they would have never thought they were capable of. Believe it or not, a riot is comprised of mostly people who would, if acting individually, never have been part of the criminal activity. 

So your surroundings will become your reality. The energy you put in, over time, will produce the equivalent results. You don’t just show up to the gym once and you’re ripped! 

For example…

#1. You have to show up-put yourself in the right environment

#2. You have to actually work out-put in the energy 

#3. You should seek the advice of people who are in shape-success leaves clues

#4. You have to go to the gym regularly-you won’t get in shape just going once. 

***If you stop going, you will lose your progress and revert to your previous condition***

So guard your associations carefully. As Jordan Peterson explains in the video (and he is Canadian eh!)….take careful inventory of your friends. Who are your real friends, who will celebrate your success and support and encourage you in tough times, and who will be GENUINE about it?

There is a reason Warriors amass in large numbers to fight evil. Just like a mob, good energy can amplify. Similar energy, thoughts, and beliefs compound to make each other stronger than if an individual. And together, as a team, we can make an exponentially larger impact. 

Go be great…go be a Warrior!!!

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Jun 07, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Mind + Body +Activity = Success!


You’re only as strong as your weakest link. In order to find the success you desire, you need to make sure your mind, body, and activity are all congruent. 

If you have 3 people all tethered together and they all want to go in different directions, there isn’t a great chance any of them will get to any of their destinations. Even if two are going in the same direction but one isn’t, it’s going to take a lot longer for the trio to arrive at a destination and it won’t be a very efficient use of their energy. 

So make sure you are clear on where you want to go. Make sure you’re taking the actions necessary to get there. And make sure you’re healthy enough to endure the journey!  

And if you don’t know how to align these 3 entities, reach out, and let’s chat! Many times, it is much easier than you think.

Take some time to make sure you’re in complete alignment with your goals. Work on your mind, body, and activity to efficiently navigate your journey.

Go be great...go be a Warrior!!!

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Jun 03, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | The Life You Want


The difference between a “should” and a “must”, is the life you have versus the life you want. - Tony Robbins

First, you need to know where you want to go. I challenge you to dream bigger. Set higher standards for yourself. Don’t set the bar low so you can hit it. Set the bar so high you’ll never hit it but you will far exceed a lower standard.

Once you set your goals, sharpen and hone your tools and use everything in your toolbox to go after those goals! You have substantially more tools than you probably realize. Sit down with someone and discover your tools. What are your strengths? What traits do you have that you can use to get to your goals? 

Then push through your fear and just do it. Studies show that once you start doing something, the vast majority of us work until completion. So restart every day. 

  • Read your goals
  • Read 10 pages of a good book
  • Read affirmations
  • Write in a gratitude journal
  • Talk to 10 people
  • Pre-plan your next day
  • Have fun!

That takes care of about an hour (maybe two) of your day....you still have 22 hours left to do everything else. 

So get clear what you want and just go bloody get it!!! Your life won’t just happen...you have to go get it!!!

Now go be great!
Go be a Warrior!!!


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May 31, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Is Fear of Failure Legit?


Is fear of failure a legitimate concern?

Let’s start by acknowledging that anything you feel about something is legitimate for you. 

The great thing is that you get to choose how you feel about everything! Simply changing your perspective, can change the way you think about something which will change the way you feel about it. 

So how do you think about failure? Do you avoid it because it’s uncomfortable or do you take it head-on, knowing that you will learn more and be better for it?

Failure is one of the MAIN INGREDIENTS in success. Water cannot be created without oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Likewise, success can’t be attained without massive action and embracing failure. 

A professional hockey team will take, on average, 30 shots on goal during a game only to score 3 times. That means 90% of the shots fail to result in a goal. Can you imagine if every time a shot did not go in, the team quit? There would be no hockey...there would be no professional sports or any competition in general! Competitors know they are not going to win every time. They will fail but they learn from each failure, practice harder, alter their delivery, improve and compete again as a better version of themselves. 

If you’re having trouble addressing your fear of failure, change your perspective and embrace fear as the success ingredient it is. I would rather take massive action and learn from what isn’t working than retreat in fear, take no action, and have nothing to learn from. 


Now go cuddle up with your fear.
Make your fear of failure your friend and get to your goals.
Go be great...go be a Warrior!!!

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May 25, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Your Purpose...Fight For It!

What are you willing to fight for?....

You have to know what you're doing all this for. What is the reason or the purpose for wanting to do what you’re doing? It’s like that for every endeavour. Every goal has a purpose. 

Is your purpose to buy your dream house, drive your dream car, retire your spouse or your parents, travel, ensure you never have to say “no” to those you care about because of a lack of funds, feed the hungry, start a charity, change the world.....

Warriors fight for what they believe in. They stand up for their goals and take action to ensure their dreams have a chance to become reality. They know that they may not be successful every time, but taking a chance at never giving their goals an honest opportunity to see the light of day, is not an option! 

Are fighting for it? What are you doing to fight for it?

Many people are spectators in their lives. They are watching as their life goes by, mostly because doing something might be uncomfortable or difficult. 

What’s more difficult than getting out of your easy chair and doing something to achieve your goals? It is exponentially more difficult living with regret! 

You will regret not trying, you will not regret putting an honest effort into achieving your success, much much more than you ever will trying and not being successful. 

Did you notice I didn’t say failure? In the mind of a Warrior, failure is just another opportunity to find success! Failure just ends one path to their destination. It just makes you alter your course to get to the same destination. 

So get out of your comfort zone, do what’s difficult now so you don’t have to live an even more difficult life later! 
Go be great...go be a Warrior!!!

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May 21, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Fill 'Er Up!


Most people live an average or less than average life. They do so because they never make a decision to change it. They use excuses like... 

“I don’t have time”

“I’m too busy”

“It’s too hard”

“I don’t have the money to start something new”

“I don’t know how to do anything else”

“I didn’t go to school”

“It’s too risky”

“I’m scared”

All of these are just excuses and they are also all reasons why you SHOULD do something different! Yet all those excuses have one major underlying cause.....A LACK OF BELIEF IN YOURSELF.

You could find the time if you really wanted to. You could learn if you really wanted to. You could find the money if it was really important to you. You could work hard at something if it was really important to you, however, your lack of belief in yourself destroys your self-confidence so you never start anything. Worse still, it’s impossible to win if you never start to play. 


So to build your self-confidence and belief in yourself! You must put better fuel in your tank!  Surround yourself with people and energy that move you forward and inspire you. Listen to podcasts and watch videos that are powerful to you. Read good books. Take massive action to learn more and become amazing at what you want to do. Control your environment to include only things that put great gas in your tank.

You will have a much better chance of building your self-confidence, your self-belief, and overcome those excuses. 

So show up for yourself!
Put only ultra-premium gas in your tank!
Build your self-belief!
Now go! Be great, be a Warrior!!!


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May 17, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Guard Your...Thoughts!

Guard your thoughts...for your thoughts become your reality!

Have you ever been walking on an icy surface and started thinking, “don’t fall, don’t fall, don’t fall” and then you slip and fall....or carried a full cup of coffee and continuously told yourself not to spill the coffee and then you spill?

It’s because you were thinking about slipping and falling and spilling coffee. The fact you put the word “don’t” in front of it doesn’t change the fact you were concentrating on the actions of falling and spilling.

Your mind is a very powerful tool that you can make a mess of your life if you don't learn how to use it effectively. Like a carpenter that doesn’t know how to use his tools will not have a successful career, if you don’t learn how to use your mind, you will not have as successful a life as you can. 

Now those examples are simple demonstrations of how our thinking can affect our reality. So is it any surprise that the problem you obsess about and worry about, never gets better? If you put all your cognitive energy into thinking about what’s wrong, your situation will never change. 

So your thinking anyway, so why not think about something positive, a solution, or a goal. Think about what will happen and not why it can’t happen. 

And while you're changing your thought patterns, why not think BIG! Most likely you have experienced what thinking small gets you...small results. So what if you thought bigger? Instead of helping one family, think about helping 1000 families or even a million! It takes the same energy so do it big!!!

If you want to have a massive impact on your family and the world around you, you have to start thinking you can achieve it. Those thoughts repeated over time will become a belief and once you believe, you’ll be unstoppable. 

Start becoming unstoppable in your life, learn to use your tools effectively, and go be great...go be a Warrior!!!

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May 13, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Guard Your...Attitude!


Guard your attitude...

Take an honest look at your attitude. Attitude and activity are all you can control, but your attitude most times will dictate your activity. 

So if you want to become more active, what is your attitude toward what you want to accomplish? Do you have a scarcity or abundance mindset and attitude? 

If your attitude is not that of abundance, you must figure out why. Is it your job, your mindset, or your associations? You have to pinpoint the things and people who are bringing you down. 

And if something or someone is bringing you down, remember one thing........

In order for someone to bring you down, they already have to be beneath you!

So don’t allow others to bring you down to their level. Don’t sink into the mindset or consciousness of others who don’t share or support your dreams. Change the environment that is contributing to a less constructive attitude and you will find it easier to engage in the activity that will result in the success you seek.

If your goal is to serve others at a high level, figure out your attitude so your activity will be the quality actions that will help achieve your mission.

Now go be great...go be a Warrior!!!

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May 10, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Life Will Never Be the Same...If You Choose It!

Life will never be the same...if you choose it!

Imagine living the life of your dreams, the ideal situation where you have your family and the people you care about surrounding you, living in your dream home, traveling to your dream destinations, contributing as much as you want to the charities you are passionate about or even starting your own charity! Whatever your dream looks like, imagine living that life. Feel what it will be like when that happens for you. 

Who are all those people you want to share that dream with? I bet that the majority of them are people who support and believe in you and your ability to achieve your goals. If they aren’t, most likely, they are in your dream because you want to “show them” you can do it and not necessarily share with them your success. 

So be careful hanging out with those people who do not support and encourage your goals and dreams. Have you ever walked into a room in an amazing mood and had all that energy sucked out of you by an associate who is always negative? The person who always points out why you can’t, the next problem, the obstacles, the people who failed before you. 

When divergent ideas or energies collide, the least certain person is consumed. So until you build your certainty, you may have to limit your exposure to those with divergent beliefs in your ability to achieve your goals. Once you are completely solid in your belief in yourself, in your ability to achieve the life you desire, then your energy and ideas will consume and transform others. 

But how do we get to that point where we have built an unshakable belief? You change your associations in order to be around those who will help you develop. Associate with inspirational people who bring positive energy and help lift your energy to their level. People who provide suggestions on how you find success instead of concentrating on the challenges. Those who are solution-driven and not problem focussed. 

Those negative people in your life may be close to you, family, friends, and those who rely on you. But until you have built your armour and sharpened your sword to slay the negative energy dragons, you will have to limit those interactions until you are strong and powerful enough to bring them up to your level!

You have the capability to achieve whatever life you want, to become the person you need to be to achieve such a life, and to inspire others to join you! To do that, you need to build yourself first. 

Life will never be the same if you choose to build it the way you want it to be. So what will you choose? 

Build yourself1
Build your belief so you can bring others along for the amazing ride!!
Go be great, go be a Warrior!!!


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May 07, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | The Power of Choice!

This video has so many great points. Please listen to it this morning...and every morning if you have to. I will comment on one aspect...

...the power of choice

I believe everyone has a Warrior spirit inside them. Some know it and some have yet to discover it. But becoming a Warrior takes a different mindset than the vast majority of people are willing to build. You have to CHOOSE to be a Warrior. You can choose to fight for others, stand up for yourself and make a positive impact in your world.

If you choose to become a Warrior you have to conquer your fear. Fear is a good thing. In the beginning of mankind, it protected us from danger, from the sabre-toothed tiger trying to eat us. But today, so many times, fear is an irrational reaction to an unknown result. A result that plays like a bad movie in your head. And just like real movies, it never really happens like it did in the movie.

Fear is fake, it doesn’t truly exist. So it can be conquered!

You can choose to be stuck in your fears or you can choose to overcome them and work toward becoming a Warrior! That is your choice. 

What fears are holding you back from becoming the warrior in your life? If you are having trouble facing them, let’s chat about how we can defeat them and find the Warrior inside you! 

Go be great...go be a Warrior!!!

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May 05, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Work SMARTER, Not HARDER...


So does that mean if you ‘work smart’ you don’t have to ‘work hard’? 

The saying should be, work smarter AND harder! 

You don’t want to coast just because you are working efficiently. You want to combine the two in order to generate massive success!! Can you imagine if Arnold Schwarzenegger had the technology, techniques, and science we have today? He would have been even more incredible a bodybuilder. He had the most amazing mindset and work ethic but the beliefs at the time around fitness and bodybuilding meant his workouts were not as efficient as they could have been. 

Think about going on a road trip for a once-in-a-lifetime vacation. You have chosen your destination and you are super excited to go on vacation. So you jump in your high-performance sports car and just start driving fast. So you drive really fast but you haven’t figured out the path to get there so you end up driving fast for a lot longer and delaying your vacation...and possibly never arriving.

Now, if you took a few minutes to plan your route that would make a lot of sense. But if you walked instead of driving, it would still take you a very long time to get to your vacation destination, or you would run out of motivation to continue your journey. 

So why not plan properly AND drive in a fast vehicle?

It’s not enough to do it ‘smarter’, you still have to put in the work. But your efforts will be much more efficient and you will experience larger and faster results if you combine the two values. 

And how do you work ‘smarter’? Just find someone successful and do what they did! It really isn’t rocket science. 

Successful leaders don’t sacrifice hard work for anything. But they incorporate intelligent effort to maximize their success and see results faster!

So keep working hard but do it intelligently.
Now go be great and go...
...be a Warrior!!!

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May 03, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Win Today!


When you look at the final goal, it can feel daunting. The path can seem so long and the journey can be a roller coaster of experiences. But if you break it into smaller goals that lead to your ultimate destination, the journey will seem a lot more attainable and not nearly as scary!

Start by winning today. What does winning today mean? Do the things you need to do today and don’t stress about what needs to be done overall. If your goal is to help 1,000,000 people, you’re not going to do that today. 

But if you make 10 calls, send out 10 invitations, share 10 videos, text 10 people with the intent of sharing with them your goals and helping them understand your mission, you will be doing what you can do today, to achieve the goal you seek. By doing so, you will build your team and will be creating a larger army of Warriors to impact more people on your mission to 1,000,000! 

So start every day with a goal; a goal just to win the day!
Make every day Monday!
Make every day a chance to win.


You won’t win every day but when you start creating the habits you need to win most days, the larger goal gets closer faster than you can imagine! And if you need to figure out the habits you need, let’s chat. I can help.

Now, go win the day!
Go be great!!
Go be a Warrior!!!

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Apr 28, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Mind Fuel

Staying healthy is very important. So in order to stay healthy, everyone knows you need to live a sedentary life and each high fat, salt-rich, high-calorie food. If you do that, you will live the healthiest life possible.......

What? Wait, what did he say? 

That’s obviously not the recipe for a healthy life. Now if you want to live that lifestyle, you cannot complain when you develop heart disease and become obese. You need to put good fuel into your body and start to move it, make it work, in order to become healthy or maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

So we know what we have to do, to live a physically healthy life, however, many choose to neglect what needs to be done to live a mentally healthy life. And it is well proven that what we think about, we become.

So what fuel are you putting into your mind?

First thing in the morning do you look at your phone and start watching the news? There’s typically very little good that can happen when you look at your phone first thing in the morning (unless you’re taking in Pipke’s Perspective??). And no one has ever said that watching the news has drastically changed their life for the positive. Those activities are the high-fat foods to your mind! Resist looking at your phone for the first 30 minutes of your day and please stop obsessing about what’s on the news. I’m not saying don’t be informed, but there are ways to stay informed without taking in the news every day that is 99% negative crap for your mind. 

Here are some suggestions on what you can do instead to create a new morning routine and they are things that I do every morning. Try them for 30 days and see how you think and feel different.


1. Gratitude-there is always something to be grateful for. It’s impossible to be grateful and negative at the same time.


1. Affirmations-write them down and read them every morning. If you want some suggestions, let me know.


1. Read your goals-this means you must know what your goals are. Take time to figure those out and think BIG! Read these in the morning and before bed.


1. Read 10 pages-from a good book that builds yourself. I can recommend many if you need suggestions. 

*****To do all this takes about 15 minutes*****

Now, this doesn’t absolve you from putting in the work, but you are starting your day with some great fuel. This will build your mindset and your belief in yourself. Most of us are hard workers so by fine-tuning your engine, your efforts throughout your day will work more efficiently and take you so much further! 

You are worth 15 minutes a day. Take this time to really do something that will make a difference in your life so you can make an impact in the lives of others. 

Now go be great, go be a Warrior!!!


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Apr 22, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Show Up and Adapt!

Human beings were created to adapt to our surroundings. We have the ability to change our tolerance to survive in almost any environment. And if we remain long enough in a particular environment, we will actually physically change and evolve to best cope with our surroundings.

Think about when the seasons change. In the spring, after a cold winter, when the temperature reaches 0, it feels amazing but in the fall it feels so cold. Because we have adapted to the weather and become comfortable with our surroundings.

Your mindset works the exact same way.  Over time, you adapt and become comfortable with the mindset of the people you surround yourself with and can actually physically alter your brain. So take an inventory of your environment and the people with whom you choose to surround yourself. If you find you are a negative or pessimistic person, chances are your circle of influence is the same way.

The great news is, by changing your associations or the way you perceive them, you can alter your mindset! So when you run into someone close to you who is not supportive, family, or close friends, you can’t always cut that person out of your life. But you can realize they are projecting their insecurities and doubts onto you. You get to choose the perspective. And for those negative people who might not be that significant in your life, well they are easy to step away from.

Put yourself in the room with great minds and inspiring people! Surround yourself with people who have the mindset to get you where you want to go. Don’t let someone else’s bad attitude affect your goals and dreams! Your surroundings should lift you to become the person you need to be to get to your destination. Why do you think so many successful people attend mastermind groups? So show up, show up, show up!!!

Show up for you, show up for your dreams, show up for your family. Don’t shrink to adapt to other people’s insecurities. 

So who or what are you tolerating?
In what environment are you choosing to place yourself?
What associations are you adapting to?
What associations would you rather be adapting to?


Figure these out and you’ll be taking a major step in achieving your goals!
Now...go be great, go be a Warrior!!!

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Apr 20, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Inoculate Your Mind!

Do you know why you’re here? Have you figured out your WHY? 

Take some time regularly to think about your why. It will change over time. It will change as you change, as your situation changes, as your belief about yourself and what is possible changes. 

For most, I’m going to say, they are capable of so much more than they think. Most are living a lesser life than they could be living. Most of you are living a life much less accomplished than you are capable of. So am I and that’s what’s so exciting!!!

The majority of us have no idea what we are capable of or the level of success we can achieve! For many, it is because we have been conditioned to be “realistic” or “responsible” with our dreams. So our accomplishments are held hostage by the unacceptable belief that the possible is impossible. Your success is directly proportional to the level of your belief. 



Here is a perfect example of this....it was a common belief that the human body was unable to withstand the strain it would take to run a mile in under 4 minutes. And as such, no one could ever do it. Then on May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile. He did what everyone else believed was impossible. And in the next 12 months.... 16 more people ran a sub-4-minute mile. Why was it suddenly possible? Because people finally believed they could do it!

So while you’re getting ready to line up for the vaccine, work on inoculating your mind to the false narrative that you aren’t capable of unimaginable success! Build your belief and mindset so you can be the Roger Bannister in your life!

Go be great!
Go! Be a Warrior!!!

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Apr 19, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Be the Boss!

Do you even know what your goals are?
Do you think you have what it takes to get to your goals?

Many suffer from an affliction that has conditioned them to dream “realistically”. Well, it takes the same energy so why not dream big!!!
I’m here to tell you, you ARE enough and you DO have what it takes to get wherever you want! It might take some time, but you have everything you need. 

So once we figure out those dreams, we need to become the person we need to be to get there....you’re not that person YET! If you are serious about your goals, you need to change who you are to become the person you need to be, to get to your destination. Here is one thing to do to become that person.

Stop focusing on others' thoughts or ideas of what you should be doing! Be the boss of you! Be the boss of your thoughts! Don’t let your perception of what others might think to dictate your goals and your actions to get there. Be clear on who is important enough in your life to occupy your thoughts.

I heard an interesting story the other day:
Two men were talking about old relationships and one man said that he was so heartbroken after one relationship, that he was determined to become successful. So he worked really hard and when he started to become successful, he bought a nice car. This man would then drive 30 minutes out of his way on his way home from work, just to drive by his ex’s house so she could see he was successful and prove to her she made a mistake in leaving the relationship. He later found out that, soon after the end of that relationship, his ex had moved so he was putting all that energy into trying to impress someone who wasn’t thinking about him at all anyway! He put all that time and focus into someone who wasn’t even there. 

So who are you trying to impress?
Who’s a part of your life, whose opinion of what you are doing you’re worried about? 

Now to say, “I don’t care what anyone thinks”, is sociopathic! Everyone cares what others think! But don’t get tricked into putting energy into what EVERYONE thinks. Make a list of people who you would die for, give everything for, those whose opinion means the ultimate to you. Anyone not on that list, their opinions don’t matter. For many, that list will be close family and very, very close friends. Those are the only people allowed to contribute to your thoughts. No one else matters. 

So when you think it’s difficult to talk to someone about what we do and to make phone calls, remember that after you hang up with them, even if they say no, they aren’t putting any more effort into thinking about you anyway, so why dwell on the fear of talking to others? Don’t drive by their house in your mind trying to impress someone who will stop thinking about you the second you hang up. 

Be the boss of your mind and your thoughts! Don’t give power to people who aren’t deserving of that energy. Start this week with a new thought process to start becoming that avatar you need to become for you and your family! 

Go crush this week!
Go be great!
Go be a Warrior!!!


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Apr 12, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | You...2.0


What is your work ethic? Do you work hard? Or should I ask, do you consider yourself a hard worker? 

I think most people believe they are hard workers, and most people are probably right. But what are you working hard on?

Most people put tons of energy into their job. They go in early, stay late, skip lunch, sacrifice time with their family and friends, forego holidays, basically become obsessed with putting all their energy into working for someone else for the amazing possibility of a small raise or promotion that makes them more time committed to the job. 

And let’s face it, for the vast majority of people, they work hard to make someone else rich...to make someone else’s dreams come true. 

So what if you worked harder on yourself than anything else? What if you put that energy into improving yourself, building your mindset, changing your environment for yourself and your family. I’m pretty sure you’re worth it!

But you have to be disciplined, focussed, relentless! Be relentless about your life! Create new habits that move you forward before moving your company forward! I’m not saying you shouldn’t be a hard worker, because how you do one thing is how you’ll do everything. But work hard on yourself first! You deserve it!!!

And as you improve, you will be serving your family and your life and serving everyone as a continuously better version of yourself. 

So go work on yourself today. Instead of watching TV, read a good book that builds your mind. Instead of listening to the news or radio on your way to work, make your vehicle a moving university and listen to a good podcast or self-development CD. Instead of hanging around the water cooler listening and participating in office rumours and gossip (remember that the truly smallest minds gossip and spread rumours), be more obsessed with your life and your family’s life than anyone else’s. 


Build yourself.
Work harder on yourself than anything else!
Now go! Be a Warrior!!!

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Apr 09, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Happy 'Separation' Day!

It’s ‘Separation’ Day!!!!!

I love separation Friday!!! To me, every day is a Monday! Every day is an opportunity to make a massive impact in my life and the lives of others. 

But Fridays are a little different. Fridays I like to call ‘Separation’ day. The majority of the population looks at Friday as a day to start coasting for a few days, to get ready to take the weekend off. They start taking their foot off the gas pedal.

I look at Fridays as the day I can accelerate into the weekend. A day where I can do more than everyone else and compound my efforts to explode into the weekend! This is what will separate me from the majority of people! This is what will provide me and my family with the life others can only wish for. 

And why will others only be able to wish for my type of life? One reason is that they coast into the weekend. They aren’t willing to do what I am willing to do. They aren’t willing to embrace Separation Fridays. They are willing to sacrifice a better future for a few weekends off right now. 

So is this coasting into the weekend Friday or is it ‘Separation’ Friday for you?

Warriors are always on guard, always vigilant, always training, always ready to stand against the evil that tries to poison people. They don’t take Fridays off. They do more and stand for more than everyone else, that’s why they are called Warriors and that’s why they are a necessity. Warriors are ready at all times to stand and fight. 

So be ready, work harder than everyone else!
Practice & embrace ‘Separation’ Friday!
Be better today than yesterday!
Go be great...go be a Warrior!!!

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Apr 08, 2021

Pipke's Persepctive | Seek and Ye Shall Find!


Seek and Ye Shall Find!

Regardless if you are a person of faith or spiritual or whatever belief system you hold as your own, there are many similarities. 

One of those similarities is the idea that people of inspiration, and today even science, are telling us that “what we concentrate on, we will find”. 

Whether it’s science explaining the reticular activating system, Jesus’ sermon from the mount, or Ed Mylett telling us that what we search for, what we focus upon, what we concentrate on, what we seek, what we put focussed energy into on a constant and consistent basis, we will find, achieve, succeed!!!

So what are you thinking about, focussing on and searching for. What is your quest in your life? You need a destination before you can go on a journey. So figure out you goal or dreams. NOW focus on it! Think about it as often as you possibly can. Become obsessed with that goal! As long as it is moral and ethical, be obsessed with achieving your destination. Focus your energy on that goal and more times than not, you will find things pop up in your life that guide you on your journey.

“But what if you’re wrong Vic?” Well, if I’m wrong, at least it’s more fun, uplifting, stress reducing and positive than concentrating on everything that’s wrong. If you concentrate on problems, you’ll just find more problems.

So be crystal clear on your goals and dreams and become obsessed with pursuing them for the betterment of yourself and those around you...now go be a Warrior!!!

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Apr 07, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Transform Your Mindset!


Why is it, that many successful people talk about the same things? Are they copying each other? Are they borrowing each other’s ideas? Are they collaborating to come up with the same message?

They talk about the same things because what they are saying is important! Through their journey or research or overcoming suffering, they learned valuable lessons and they are trying to impart wisdom. And wisdom is intelligence gained through experience. 

They aren’t better than you or smarter than you...they’ve just done what you want to do. If you had to cross a minefield, wouldn’t it be great to know where the land mines are? They’ve walked through the minefield successfully and they are showing you the way.

And what does almost every inspiring figure talk about? MINDSET!

What you feed your mind, will shape your future. They talk about building your belief, not quitting, conditioning your mind for a different future, changing your thought process, building better habits. What are you doing to build your mindset? 

One way to build your mindset is to change your environment. Transform your surroundings to start putting great energy and ideas in your mind. How many times do you watch the news and walk away feeling uplifted and inspired? Not very many!!!

But how many times do you listen to an inspirational speaker and start to feel energized, motivated to change, start to believe differently? That is great but many feel that way for a short time and go back to watching the news. You have to feed the good wolf more than the evil one. You have to put more great energy in and starve your mind of the negative poison that is ready to steal your dreams. Stop listening to unqualified opinions from unsuccessful people and start listening to the ones who have walked the path you want to walk. 

So show up to everything, listen to your leaders who are showing you how to build yourself, follow the proven and reliable path and change the future for yourself! AND LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO!!!

Go be the best version you can be!
Go be great!
Go be a Warrior!!!

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Apr 05, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Your Last Day?


I just heard this amazing quote...

“If you live every day like it was your last...one day you’ll be right!” 

When you got up today, were you getting ready to do something that fills you up, or were you going to a J.O.B. that is slowly eroding your soul? If today were to be your last day, would you be doing something that brings you and/or others joy? 

Be clear about what you want and what you’re doing to get there. Take 30 minutes every morning to get clear on what that is, and your plan for the day to accomplish that task. I’m pretty sure you’re worth it.

Go be a Warrior!!!!!


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Apr 01, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Taking Control vs Staying a Victim


You are not a victim! You are powerful beyond measure!!!!!

Do you want to be in a better place, with better circumstances, and a better life? That can be hard for many to comprehend and even harder to achieve.

Don’t wish it wasn’t hard, wish you were better. 

We are going into the long weekend and many will start to coast through until next week. Not much different from what most do with every weekend. But when you ask people to do something a little more or to change their outlook on what the weekend means, most will fight back with excuses like, “but I work hard all week”, “but I want to party with my friends”, “but I want to rest”, “but that’s not what everyone else is doing”.

Then, those same people will complain about the government, about taxes, about the pandemic and COVID regulations, and just about anything else that takes the responsibility off themselves for their woes, their shortfall, their struggles, their challenges. They start spewing that victim mentality. That toxic and lethal mindset that somehow, someone or something else is to blame.

Only you are to blame. Stop celebrating being a victim with anyone who will listen. That crap is poison to your mind! You are the only one to blame!!!

So when you start to feel like some outside force is to blame for your circumstances, remember, that every decision you have made in your life has brought you to where you are. So you are solely to blame for all the good (and not so good) things that happen in your life. No government, company, or person made you choose your path. That was all you. There might have been circumstances that affected your decision, but in the end, no one makes your decisions for you. Only you control that! You are in control of your life!!!

So if you’re not where you want to be, if you even know where you want to be (see yesterday’s Perspective post), then you have to change what you are willing to do! If you’re not willing to change what you do, stop blaming outside forces for your decision to settle for a less than fulfilling life! That’s your choice! 

Look at yourself and be honest when answering these questions:

Are you doing everything you can to achieve your goals?
Are you coasting or grinding?
Are you listening to the ‘wolves’ trying to steal your dreams and suppress your spirit or are you controlling your thoughts?
Are you taking action or taking time off?
Are you blaming others or taking responsibility and control of your life?


You are not a victim! You have the ability and power to achieve whatever you want! THAT IS A FACT!!! I know that because there are tons of people who have had worse circumstances and succeeded...so if they can do it, so can you. 

I believe in you, even if you don’t! If you need help realizing that, let me know. I might be able to help. 

All you can control is your attitude and activity. That starts with your thoughts. So why not think and believe you are in control. It’s amazing how liberating it is when you realize you have the ability to control your life. 

Once you realize you are in control, you can start to build your mindset, build your belief, build your skills, take more action and impact more people! Take the time on yourself so you can serve more people. 

Go take control!
Go be great!
Go be a Warrior!!!

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Mar 31, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | A Bigger Pack of Sheepdogs


What are you doing here? 

Why are you here? 

What is your goal? 

What is your dream?

Who are you doing this for?

Where do you want to go?

When do you want to get there?

Why do you want to succeed?

How do you want to be seen by those you care about; by the world?

What legacy do you want to leave your family and this world?


Get clear on the answer to these questions! Take some time alone in a quiet place and really think about the personal answers to those questions. It is extremely important that you not only think about the answers but FEEL them. Feel what it will be like when you achieve all the goals that answer those questions, envision being at that moment in your life where you’ve retired your parents or your spouse, your children have grown up in the life they deserve, you have the perfect home, perfect life. Feel the joy of seeing the happiness in the eyes of the ones you love and knowing that happened because you chose not to settle for average. You chose to stop doing what everyone else is doing. You chose to chase your dreams instead of listening to what others believe your dreams should be.

Now.......GET TO WORK!!!!

Getting clear is the first step. It will help guide your thoughts and actions. Your thoughts are the fuel that runs your engine. If you think bad or uninspired thoughts, your engine will sputter inefficiently and eventually die. Stop putting crappy fuel into your engine!

Guard and protect your thoughts. When I was a police officer I would wear body armour to increase the chances of surviving a traumatic event. With the SWAT team, if the risk was higher, we would wear more armour to protect ourselves. Your mind is no different! You need to protect yourself against the thoughts that don’t serve you. And when the outside world is trying really hard to damage your thoughts, you need to wear more armour.

Sometimes those thoughts will come from outside, from wolves coming to steal your dreams. You need to be the sheepdog for your thoughts! You need to build your armour to defend against those wolves. And one of the best ways to defend against a pack of wolves is to have a bigger pack of sheepdogs. Associations who will stand beside you and help you against the wolves trying to hijack your thoughts! 

That’s why you show up to everything! Show up to your team training, show up to every event possible, show up to listen to podcasts, read Pipke’s Perspective ??,  read great books, associate with great people who want to see you succeed! 

Now take massive action and be patient. Even if it’s not effective at first, your action will build momentum and confidence. Water is not harder than rock, but over time, water will polish and shape the rock. 

Some will say, “but I don’t have time, I need to be successful faster!”. But you have time to go to a job you dislike for 40-60 hours a week, to make an average or less than average wage, for 40+ years to retire poor while your activity is making someone else wealthy. You have time for things that will not serve you but feel you don’t have time for the things that will build you and your family????? 

It all starts with the way you think. Be disciplined in guarding your thoughts and building your belief. Your thoughts will lead to feelings. Your feelings about things will dictate your actions and your actions will provide you results. If you poison your thoughts, your feelings will suffer, you won’t take action and you’ll be in the exact same place you are now. You deserve to be in the place you see yourself, so see yourself in the best place!

Guard your thoughts.
Build your belief.
Find the answers to all those questions.
Take action!

You will see results! Now....Go be great...go be a Warrior!!!

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Mar 30, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | How to Build a Gym for Your Mindset


People think that being an entrepreneur is just about running a business. They think that successful entrepreneurs have it easy or got lucky in a new market or improved an idea and struck it rich. Those are very simple ideas surrounding a complex situation.

Most people never see what successful entrepreneurs endure when no one is looking. They don’t see the early mornings and late nights, pushing through the hard times and challenges, navigating the high highs and the low lows in the beginning before they were successful, fighting through rejection, and what may be perceived as failure. 

People don’t realize that entrepreneurs work as hard on their mindset, as they do on their business. Just like going to the gym and lifting weights to build muscle to be strong, you need to go to your mental gym every day and build your mind. Build your mind around yourself, your belief in yourself, your belief in your abilities, build up a callous around the people who will talk negatively and try to convince you to stop (that’s a whole other post), to keep you moving forward knowing you WILL make a difference. Your mind is your greatest asset, it is the most important tool in your toolbox, you have to keep it sharp. Because, just like if you stopped going to the gym, your muscles would get weak...if you stop going to your mental gym, your mind will get weak.

So how do you build a mental gym? Here are some suggestions.......


#1. Make your bed every day- starts your day with a task completed and one you can control regardless of your circumstances.

#1. Write down your goals and read them every morning and every evening out loud

#1. First thing, read daily affirmation out loud

#1. Write in a gratitude journal- it starts your day with a feeling of gratitude. You cannot be grateful and negative at the same time

#1. Read one of the secrets from “177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class” by Steve Siebold. Each secret is a page so it doesn’t take long 

#1. Read 10 pages of a good book that will move you forward. Or listen to a good podcast, reading works better but a podcast is better than nothing. If you need suggestions, ask me. I’ll give you some great ones.

#1. Get some exercise. Mindset and exercise are very closely related. Even if it’s a vigorous walk around the block, get moving.

#1. Read ‘Pipke’s Perspective’ and listen to the attached video every day ?? 

#1. Change your association-which you will start to do by reading good books and listening to good podcasts

#1. Pre-plan your day the night before and follow your schedule. This builds your personal integrity. Don’t let yourself down!

Sound like a lot? Maybe, but all together you can accomplish this in about 30 minutes. Start with doing one or two of those and add another one each week until your morning routine becomes a habit. 

Your future is worth 30 minutes a day!!!

If your muscles are weak, you can’t expect to lift heavy weights.
If your mind is weak, you can’t expect to grow personally or as an entrepreneur. 

Remember......politicians don’t change the world, entrepreneurs do! Most inventions that made a change in the world came from an entrepreneur. So build your mindset and be a great entrepreneur and change the world. Now go be a Warrior!!!

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Mar 29, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | The Daily Grind!


You’re going to work hard anyway.
Why not work toward your goals and dreams and stop settling for a paycheque that is a constant reminder that you’re helping someone else get their dreams. Sound like a plan? 

You’re going to have to grind to get there though...It’s the daily grind that will show you success! For example:

Let’s say you wanted to get in shape so you bought some workout equipment and a new pair of runners and you had all the intention to get in shape but never actually used the equipment. Would you get in shape?

Now, what if you didn’t get the proper instructions on the correct form, way to lift weights, the proper way to run, or use the equipment the right way but you put in all the time to workout? You’d be putting in a lot of work and getting very small results....at least you would be moving forward but wouldn’t it be better to get to your goals faster?

So like working out, if you want to move forward you need to actually use your equipment, your mindset, and the systems you have available to you. Don’t let your equipment sit there and collect dust. Don’t expect the system to work for you if you're not going to pick it up and run with it!

And if you want to move forward fast, make sure to learn from those who have shown success and do what they did. Don’t think you’re going to reinvent the wheel. You may be able to improve some things but the basics will remain the same.

So get great training. Get mentorship. Seek out leadership.

Practice what is proven to work and put in the effort! Nothing comes for free and easy things seldom last. 

Make every day a Monday, a new chance, a new opportunity, a shot at greatness...and do at least one thing today that moves you toward your goals and dreams...only you can control your attitude and activity. 

Go be great...go be a Warrior!!!

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Mar 18, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | What is your PERSONAL integrity?

What is your PERSONAL integrity? 

Now, this is different from your integrity. Your integrity is very important. Do you actually do what you tell people you are going to do when you say you’re going to do it, and do you do it with morality?

Your personal integrity, however, is characterized by keeping the promises you make to yourself!

Most people find it much easier to keep the promises they make to others than they do keeping the promises they make to themselves. For most, it is easier to let yourself off the hook than it is to let someone else down. We don’t want to let other people down because we do not want them to think poorly of us.

Why is that? Do you not deserve that same level of respect. You need to start respecting yourself. You need to start valuing yourself as much as you do the opinions of what others think about you.

That level of respect starts with our self-image. So what do you think about yourself? What stories do you tell yourself? What do you say to yourself and what conversations do you have with yourself. Your self-image is the key to maintaining personal integrity.

So how do we build our self-image? Well, we need to start guarding our internal dialogue. You need to start taking account of the words that you say to yourself and the words that are going on in your head. Be very mindful of what you’re saying to yourself because those words will turn into reality.

So here are some things you can do to improve that internal dialogue and eventually improve your personal integrity:

#1 First thing in the morning, say out loud, three things you did yesterday that went great and three things that you are going to do today that will move you forward. We are all exceptional at dwelling on what we did wrong, or the mistakes we made. But we have more difficulty taking responsibility for the great things that happened. It’s easy to dwell on the mistakes, but if you are going to take responsibility for your mistakes you better darn well take responsibility for all the great things that have occurred in your life as well. You are just as responsible for the successes in your life as you are for the missteps.

#1 Say out loud 10 affirmations that you believe to be true about yourself. Sometimes, this can be difficult at first, but find 10 things about yourself that you know are good and you believe are true. If you are having trouble, find someone who knows you very well and ask them for what they believe are your best traits.  Other people can see things about ourselves that we may be blind to or too modest, to admit to ourselves.

#1 Check in with yourself regularly with respect to your internal dialogue. When your internal voice starts getting loud, take note of what you're telling yourself. If you can, stop and write down what you’re saying to yourself. At the end of the day, review those conversations that you wrote down throughout the day and evaluate if those thoughts were valid. Some of the conversations might have been valid and can be used as constructive criticism. You will find, however, the majority of those criticisms are a result of a fleeting moment of frustration and not indicative of what you really believe about yourself. And constant criticism based on invalid internal beliefs will erode your self-image. Take those invalid thoughts and tear them up, burn them (safely), make an overt act to destroy those thoughts!

Try these three simple things regularly and see if it helps your self-image. Once you improve your self-image, you will teach yourself that you deserve the same respect as others do, and you will find it easier to improve and maintain your personal integrity. 

You deserve to be honoured and respected. If you don’t believe it yet, take action to improve your understanding.

Build your personal integrity.
Keep promises you make to yourself.
Serve others as a better version of yourself.
Go be a Warrior!!!!

Looking for an amazing, excellent, spectacular career path?

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Mar 17, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Coasting vs Attacking!


When your time here on earth is nearing its end, do you think you’re going to be most proud of the things you tried or the things you never gave a real effort to? Will you say, “I lived a fulfilled and successful life!” or will you be thinking, “I regret not trying, not giving it my all”. 

So, will you be content with the life you lived or will you be forced to think “what if....?”

Those who have to suffer through regret are those who coast through life, waiting for life to happen to them. They are the ones who unfortunately rarely experience fulfillment. 

Those who attack life, take chances, push the envelope, follow their dreams, are the ones who will find fulfillment, happiness and never feel the sting of regret. 


Regret is a poison to your life, so don’t poison yourself. Stop thinking small, stop limiting beliefs, stop doubting yourself. 

Start building your mindset, start building your belief in yourself, start taking action toward what you want, start amassing the knowledge that you can!!!

You have what it takes to achieve your goals and dreams, but you have to attack them! Go on offense! Prevent regret from seeping into your life. 

And remember...if you pursue your dreams, you are way ahead of most people, because most never even honestly try. 

So go attack your goals, vaccinate yourself against regret and build a fulfilling life and legacy for you and your family...go be a Warrior!!!

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Mar 11, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Ease vs Success


Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better!

There will be great times and there will be times of great struggle. In any aspect of life, you will experience tough times. No different than the seasons that we cannot control, we cannot control that everyone will have to persevere through challenges. And just like a cold winter, your challenges will end. 

Now, what if the length and severity of the cold winter were directly related to your daily activities. Wouldn’t you want to do the things you need to do, in order to shorten the time and reduce the severity of the season? 

Well, that can happen in the challenges you have in your life. But you need to work on yourself first. You need to mould your mindset to ease the effects of the winters in your life.

So how do you do that? 

First of all....stop obsessing on what is going wrong or the effects of the challenges you’re facing. Focusing on the problem just creates more problems. It also puts your mindset into a ‘victim’ perspective. Focus on solutions, on what you are grateful for, on what is going right. If you’re having trouble thinking about what’s going right....more than 150,000 people die every day...you’re not one of them! Start there!

Next, do the small things that move you forward. Reassess your associations, read a good book, listen to good podcasts, read your goals, daily affirmations, and gratitude journal, BUT...


Start your day, every day, making your bed. As Admiral McRaven suggested, it starts your day with a task completed, but it is also is a MAJOR STEP in shifting your mindset. 

********If you make your bed every day, you are successfully completing something that you can control regardless of anything that is happening in your life!************

You are shifting from being a victim to taking control, taking responsibility, taking accountability, and ultimately showing yourself that ONLY YOU  control your life. Now, no one else can affect your life, your mindset. It doesn’t happen overnight, but over time you will see a difference. 

And if you can’t even do something simple like making your bed, how will you convince yourself you can conquer your larger challenges.

So stop right now, and if you haven’t, take 2 minutes and GO MAKE YOUR BED!!!!

Build yourself.
Mould your mindset.
Become the best version of yourself.
Serve others as that best version!
Go be great.
 Go impact the world!

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Mar 10, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Average vs Unique


Average vs Unique.....

Many people are striving to be average, one of the crowd, to fit in...to be common. So what is common or average?

Well your “average” person nowadays, is living paycheque to paycheque, is one month away from financial ruin, works at a J.O.B. that they are dissatisfied with, receives no recognition from their employer, schedules their family around their J.O.B., dreams “realistically”, doesn’t set goals, doesn’t live a healthy lifestyle, doesn’t have freedom of time, is tressed out about money and their finances, fights with getting up every day to start another day of mediocrity, chases the weekend and hates Sundays because it means Monday is just around the corner and they have to get ready to go back to their J.O.B., feels sad because they cannot give their family the life they feel their family deserves.....


You are unique by design. Whatever your belief system, your creator made you unique. If we were meant to be the same, we would all be the same height and weight, have the same hair and eye colour, have the same body type, have the same thoughts and ideas and nothing would ever change! But we are all unique so stop wishing you were like everyone else!!!!

I’m not saying to stop aspiring to be like those who inspire you, but be inspired to be the best YOU!!! Stand apart, celebrate being unique, give yourself a chance to separate from the crowd, and build a better life for you, for your family, for your loved ones! 

Or...the alternative...refer to paragraph 2. 

You are special, you are unique, you are beautiful, you have the ability to be whatever you want to be. But you can’t be that version of yourself if you’re hanging with the average crowd with an average mindset and average work ethics and average personal integrity. 

Be the one-of-a-kind individual you were meant to be. Celebrate your uniqueness, because being average really doesn’t sound like a lot of fun. 

Now, build your mindset, become your best version, change the world, and...
Go Be a Warrior!!!

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Mar 09, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Motivation vs Inspiration


What motivates you? When you think of the things that motivate you, what do those things look like? Is it a YouTube video, reading a good book, listening to a good podcast, a certain song, or a type of music? For each person, it is different. Having something that motivates you will get you through the tough time and lead to success, right? Not necessarily...

Motivation can be good for getting you past a specific struggle. Like listening to certain music while you work out, that might give you a short burst of energy to max out your workout. But the adrenalin is a short-term answer to a smaller challenge. It’s like a sugar high that wears off. And like an adrenalin rush or sugar high, the after-effects are typically sluggishness and fatigue. Motivation can be a great tool for a short-term solution, but it’s a sprint. Real success relies on inspiration!

Inspiration is that thing that speaks to your soul. It’s the long burn of complex carbohydrates, it’s the marathon! It’s the “why” you are doing this, it’s the reason to never stop, never quit, never surrender! Maybe it’s the vision of where you want to be or maybe it’s the fear of where you don’t want to go. Whatever it is, you need to find it. What is your inspiration? Is it a monetary goal that provides the desired lifestyle, is it a relationship goal for your family, is it a business goal to impact others, is it a desire to emulate someone you believe makes a difference, is it all those things? 

On your journey, there will be ups and downs and you might utilize motivation to help get through a short-term tough situation, but long term you need to concentrate on your inspiration. Keep that long-term goal or dream in the forefront of your mind. What you think about the most is what you will find. 

  • Be clear on your inspiration, strategically use motivation and never quit!
  • If you have to quit something....quit quitting!!!
  • Use your inspiration to work on your mindset and build the foundation upon which, to construct the house that holds your dreams!
Now go be a Warrior!!!

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Mar 03, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Excuses vs Success

Many people live their life with limiting beliefs. They think in terms of what is not possible or improbable. When we are young, we believe everything is possible...and wasn’t it fun!? Wasn’t it amazing to believe in yourself, that you could accomplish anything?

When did that change for you? When did life or society or your circle of influence start teaching you that your dreams need to be practical? I bet that was the same time you started making excuses for why you couldn’t do something and started building your book of excuses! 

Some have a novel of excuses, while others have a booklet of “go-to” excuses. And man, do many people go to that book frequently. They know that book better than anything else. They recite the pages of that book from autonomic memory...it’s like that phone number you had as a kid that you’ll never forget! “I can’t because.....”

But what if the next time someone showed you the way to reach a goal or suggested a path to an accomplishment, instead of saying “I can’t because...”, you paused and thought to yourself, “HOW CAN I?” What if you started changing the way you thought about your opportunities, capabilities, and possibilities? 

I don’t know what Thomas Edison was thinking during the 10,000 failed experiments before he invented the lightbulb, but I bet he is glad he didn’t make an excuse as to why he cannot succeed. Instead, thinking of ways to succeed. Would you have given up, made an excuse, rationalized that it can’t be done? Most people would have. Thankfully Thomas Edison was not one of those people. 

And every other life-changing invention came from a person who thought of a way to succeed over the excuse why they couldn’t do it. In the movie Apollo 13, there is a scene where the ground control figures out that the astronauts aboard Apollo 13 won’t have enough oxygen to make it back to earth. They take an inventory of what the astronauts have at their disposal on board and have to figure out how to construct a device to recirculate the air so the astronauts can survive. It was basically figuring out how to put a square peg in a round hole. If they had thought in limitations and excuses, history would have been different. But because they thought “how can we” instead of “we can’t”, the astronauts of Apollo 13 made it home. 

So redefine your mindset.

Think in terms of endless possibilities.

Build a book of reasons why you can, and toss out your book of excuses! 

Now go be a Warrior!!!

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Feb 27, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Follow the Clues...


In law enforcement, an investigator aims to uncover the truth by collecting clues. One clue alone is rarely enough to solve the crime. So you need to keep searching for more clues that, when added up, begin to solve the puzzle. And, as the clues start to take you toward the solution, momentum builds and one clue leads to another, then another, then another, and eventually you get to your goal!

So just like a criminal leaves clues that the investigator has to follow, success leaves clues for the entrepreneur to follow. So...are YOU following the clues? Are YOU doing what other people have done to be successful?

Stop listening to your broke friend about how to make money, stop listening to your single friend about how to have a great relationship, stop listening to those who have quit on their goals to learn how to get to yours!

If you wanted to learn how to be a great athlete, would you talk to the guy that sits in the bar (telling anyone who will listen) how the Oilers should be playing? Or would you talk to a successful athlete or coach and learn what they did? 

Stop taking advice from unqualified strangers on the internet and listen to the people who have achieved what you want to achieve! Those are CLUES!

And as you talk to more people, surround yourself with more people, get into the same room with more people who can provide more clues, more value, and more experience...momentum will build and you will start to complete your puzzle to get to your goals. 

The first and most important clue to success is to build your mindset. “A problem cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness in which it was created”-Albert Einstein. 

Start to realize that the mindset you have that has gotten you to where you are, is not the mindset that will get you to where you want to be. If it was, you would already be at your destination.

So build your mindset, follow the clues that have been left for you, build momentum, evolve your mindset so you can serve others as the best version of yourself...now, go be a Warrior!

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Feb 24, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Pick Your 'Hard'!


So what do I say to people who claim that the path to their goal is too hard?
  • Struggling financially is hard
  • Being dissatisfied at the job you go to for 8-12 hours a day, is hard
  • Missing important family and personal events because you have to work, is hard
  • Watching other people succeed while you struggle, is hard
  • Watching your parents work into their 70’s because they can’t afford to stop working and you can’t afford to retire them, is hard
  • Watching your spouse cry because they are overwhelmingly dissatisfied with their J.O.B. and you aren’t able to retire them, is hard
  • Watching your children work hard to be amazing people and not be able to reward them and send them to the college of their dreams, or play the sport they want to play because you can’t afford it, is hard
  • Scheduling your family around your J.O.B. rather than scheduling your career around your family, is hard
  • Anticipating your children and your grandchildren having the same unfulfilled life you might be experiencing, is hard
  • Being broke is hard

Pick your hard, that is a choice you can control!     Now, go be a Warrior!!!

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Feb 19, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Fear vs Faith

Fear is a fake emotion.
It is an anticipation of a negative outcome, resulting from an action, you have not attempted yet. Because of that fear, most people put more energy into that fear than they do actually attempting the action! 

Fear has the ability to steal everything if you let it! It can cost you everything....but faith is FREE!!!!!

Because of fear, most never try. They settle for whatever is safe or leftover. They end up taking or staying at that job that they dislike or even hate because they are fearful of trying to do something they would love to do. 

There have been millions of people who have lost their jobs in the last year. Many of those fell into that category of having a job they dislike, living all week thinking about just getting through the workweek and then spending the weekend dreading going back to work. Ask them how their “safe” plan worked.

Imagine if they had spent that time, those years, putting that energy into what they loved doing. What could it have been like? What regret they might have. Regret only happens to those who don’t try, who don’t take action. 

If you try, you’re at least in the game. You’re giving yourself a tap on the shoulder and jumping over the boards to compete in your life. But sadly, most never even put on a jersey. They sit in the stands and watch, as outside forces play the game for them. The fear, the doubt, the indecision, the negativity...they are in the game for many people and in the end, those players still lose the game of your life!

So what if you had faith? Faith in yourself? What if you believed in yourself? What if your faith outweighed your fear and outperformed the irrational emotion. What if you got out of the stands, put on the jersey of your life, and got in the game. In order for you to get in the game, you have to bench the fear!

But what if you are having trouble with having faith in yourself? Here are a few suggestions:

-first thing every morning, say out loud 10 things you love about yourself. It’s easy to focus on what you don’t love, so start focusing on what you do love. And if you can’t think of anything, reach out to someone who knows you and ask them. Most of the time, others will see your gifts easier than you do.

  • write in a gratitude journal. It’s more difficult to be negative if you are thinking of the great things in your life. And they don’t have to be massive things...a warm home in the winter, running water, electricity, technology, breathing!!!
  • write down your goals on paper, not typed on your device, actually pen to paper...write them down. And read them in the morning and in the evening. Imagine what it will feel like to achieve them. Dream like a child again!
  • read or listen to a video or podcast with a positive message that will inspire you or move you toward your goals.

Putting good energy into your day first thing will start your day off right and increase the chances of having great experiences in your day. Just like eating healthy and exercise will start your day off in a much better way than eating unhealthy food and watching the news first thing. (How many times do you watch the news and walk away feeling inspired?)

You’re thinking all day anyway, why not think good things? Build your faith in yourself, starve your fear, and live the life that brings your joy and fulfillment...

Now...go be a Warrior!

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Feb 17, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | Keep Your Chisel Sharp!


Your mission today, and every day, is to work on your mindset.

Think of your life as a large chunk of marble. Over your life, you have the opportunity to sculpt that chunk of marble into whatever you desire.

Now to sculpt that chunk of marble, you need a chisel. The chisel of your life is your mind.

If you don’t keep your chisel sharp, you will make a mess of your chunk of marble. 

But if you continuously sharpen your chisel, you can become the Michelangelo of your life and sculpt your ‘David’!

Sharpen your chisel and make your life into whatever you desire.

It’s all up to YOU and only YOU!
Now...go be a Warrior!

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Feb 10, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Is Money Evil? (DUN-DUN_DUNNNN!)


How many have heard things like, “Money is evil”, or “Money is the root of all evil”? I think everyone has said or heard that at one time or another. Well if you believe that, you are going to find what I say next, a little controversial......

Things cannot be evil, people are evil...

Money is a thing so that means money is not evil. 

And typically, the people who rant about money being evil, don’t have any. So stop taking bad advice or trying to find wisdom from people who don’t have whatever it is they are trying to advise you about...unless you need someone to validate your victim mindset.

We all know or have heard of wealthy people who do evil or bad things. I also have personally experienced tons of poor people who have done evil things. 

But I also personally know and have heard of tons of wealthy people who have done amazing things with the wealth they have accumulated. People who use their money to fund charities that impact people’s lives, feed the hungry, give the homeless shelter and clothing, help end suffering, and find cures for diseases. Evil does not adhere to economic boundaries. 

So what separates those who do good with the wealth they have accumulated and those who choose to be unkind or evil when they amass money?

It’s their strength of character. I believe money doesn’t change a person’s personality, I believe it just magnifies it. So if you were a not-so-nice person without money, you’re going to be an absolute asshat with it! And if you were a good, kind, caring, empathetic and compassionate person when you were poor, you will change the world for masses of people when you have built wealth!

Here’s another myth...Money cannot buy happiness. I like what Dean Graziosi says...if you can cut a cheque (and for you younger people, us old-timers use to have these things called cheques that we wrote on and it replaced money??), if you could write a cheque that solved a problem, it ceases to be a problem. So if you’re stressed about a bill or have to get your kids braces or fix a necessity around your home, if you can pay for it immediately, it stops being a problem, takes away that stress and now you can use that energy to concentrate on something that does bring you joy!

So if you are in the “money is evil” mindset, you need to change your relationship with money. 

You need to think of all the great things you will be able to accomplish and the impact you will have in the world when you have lots of it! You need to start imaging what it will feel like when you can retire your parents, retire your spouse, live in a home with the room your family deserves, be able to treat your family to whatever they deserve to do without money being an issue, to give to that charity or church or organization that you believe in so intensely. Money may not provide you direct access to happiness, but it will allow you to concentrate on the things and people who will!

Change your mindset.
Magnify your gifts and strength of character.
Impact the world and...
GO! Be a Warrior!

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Feb 08, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Failure vs Unsuccessful

Most people fear failure so much that they never try. They concentrate on what will happen if they fail instead of what it will feel like when they succeed. 

But what is failure? What does it mean to fail? Does it mean not accomplishing your objective? Not getting your desired result? 

No, failure is quitting, or even worse...never trying. Failure is getting knocked down and never getting up. Failure is putting in a little work for a short time and stopping because you’re not getting the results that the others who put in tons of work are getting. 

There is a major difference between being unsuccessful and failure. You will be unsuccessful many, many, many times in life. And if no one has ever told you that, well that is unfortunate. But it is true. 

If everyone was successful every time they attempted something, the world would be a boring place. Every pitch would be a home run, every shot on net would be a goal, every test would be 100%. Every attempt would be a perfect result. Life would be boring and unfulfilling! It’s the struggle through being unsuccessful and to still keep trying that makes the destination rewarding! 

So don’t fear failure because if you never quit, you will never experience it! Life is a matter of numbers, and knowing the numbers is important. Think of a baseball player. They get paid millions of dollars to only hit the ball maybe 3 out of every 10 times they go to bat. That means they get paid more money for being unsuccessful than they do for being successful. You see the team knows that over time, if they are unsuccessful at getting on base 2 or 3 times, then the next at-bat they will get on base. Because every time you are unsuccessful, it just means you are one step closer to your goal. 

So don’t wish you’ll never fail...pray for the strength to never quit! 

Now... go be a Warrior!!!

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Feb 03, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Reality vs Imagination


Once you have figured out your goals, and I hope they are massive goals...cause I’d rather you aim high and miss, than aim low and hit...imagine yourself at that moment. 

That moment where you are in your dream home, that moment you buy your dream car, that moment you retire your parents or your spouse, that moment where you are able to give the ones you love anything they want, travel, control of time, freedom...sit in that moment for a while and feel the joy of seeing the happiness on others faces, the feeling of accomplishment, the look on your doubter's faces (there’s nothing wrong with using the emotion of proving someone else wrong about you, as a motivator), the fulfillment you will experience. Imagine the bliss.

This is very important to do as you go through your journey. You see, if you can’t even imagine that goal, you cannot achieve it. Very rarely in life do we stumble upon some massive achievement without putting purposeful thought into it. Thomas Edison had 10,000 failed experiments before he invented the lightbulb. But he only had to be right once and he changed the world! And just as important is not allowing anyone to tell you to be realistic or that your dreams are out of reach! Being realistic is the enemy of and will prevent you from achieving your goals. I’m not saying be foolish with your actions, but your imagination is the key, the foundation of everything you want to do. 

So if you are having trouble with being able to imagine your goals coming to life, you need to work on that right away. Because, if you can imagine it, that thought can become reality. 

And how do you work on your imagination? 

#1. Start by hanging around people who have bigger dreams than you. If you hang around small-minded people, you will not believe in anything more than that collective consciousness can conceive. People who have big imaginations and dream big have the foundation of every great accomplishment....an idea! And many great minds together can work miracles. One AA battery cannot power a car. But if you wire enough of them together, eventually they will get that car going. 

#1. Have a vision board that puts a picture to the feelings of achieving your goals. You will find that as you are looking for illustrations of what you think you want, that idea of your ideal future will grow. And today that can be as easy as having pictures in a file on your phone that you look at every day.

#1. Read great books that expand your mind and start to reshape your brain to serve you better. If you want to .learn more about this, read Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books where he explains how changing your thoughts actually physically changes your brain which can change your body and health.

#1. Be physically active. It is proven that activity stimulates the brain to think differently. Even if it’s a half-hour walk, get up and move! If you want to move the needle in your life, you actually have to move!!!

#1. Work on your belief in yourself. This is the topic of many of my posts. If you can believe in yourself, anything is possible. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have, make sure you keep it sharp! 

And no, that’s not a typo...they are all listed as #1 because they are equally important. 

Now, go imagine the life that you want, build the foundation for the future you deserve, now, go be a Warrior!

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Jan 25, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Good vs Great

We have heard this before...Good is the enemy of Great. 

Many settle for good, for average, for comfortable, for less than they are capable of achieving. For some, it’s because they are lazy or have poor work ethics. For others, it’s because they don’t believe they can do better or that maybe they don’t deserve better. And for others it’s because they don’t know how to dream bigger...life has beaten them up enough that they believe dreams cannot come true or that they have to dream reasonably or responsibly.

Well...I’ll let you in on a little secret. You are right. You are not great, you are not capable of greatness...because you are amazing, exceptional, spectacular!!!

Great is the enemy of excellent!!! You have the ability to accomplish amazing things, things no one else around you can accomplish, things far beyond your wildest dreams at the moment!!!

But it’s going to be hard work. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy! Many people say that it’s too hard, it takes too much time, I’m too busy. But they are willing to work 40-60 hours a week at a job they don’t like or even hate, for 40 years or more of their life in order to retire on 40% of what they can barely afford to live on now. Now that sounds hard!!!

Many have been conditioned to accept that a “normal” or “average” life is just getting by. 

But you are capable of so much more and can achieve so much more fulfillment if you just started working on yourself, what lights you up inside, what inspires you. Work on your mindset every day and start your day with great thoughts and ideas! The energy you put into your body and mind is what you will get out. If you put in good food, good thoughts, you will get amazing energy and results. If you put in crap, guess what you’ll get. No different than eating greasy fast food and sitting on the couch every day versus a healthy diet and going for a walk...what you put into your life, what you concentrate on, what you obsess about will dictate your results and become your reality. 

So are you putting the right things in or are you settling for just getting by? You are not meant to survive, you are meant to thrive!

Now go be excellent, amazing, spectacular...go be a Warrior!!!

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Jan 22, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Chase vs Attack

Happy Friday everyone! For some people today is the end of a week and a day to start preparing to slow down for the weekend. 

But that’s for average people and average performers. You’re not average!!!

Every day is a new opportunity to be great, to improve yourself, to impact others to make your world a better place. So, to me, every day is like a Monday and I LOVE IT!!!

So what will you focus on today? The big fight tomorrow? Sleeping in? Watching that new Netflix series?

Don’t get me wrong, finding time to relax and re-energize, get some sleep, spend time with your family...these are all very important things. But so are you. 

I’ve said this many times, looking after yourself is THE most selfless thing to do. Because it builds you personally to serve others as your next best version. If you’re not giving your best version, you’re ripping people off. You’re not giving people the value they deserve.

So what will be your obsession today? I hope you make it YOU! Stop obsessing with everyone else. The Kardashians aren’t going to change your life for you, your neighbour isn’t going to get you to the next level, so stop obsessing about them or whoever else is hijacking your thoughts and energy. Get obsessed about your own life, immerse yourself in your own life and do what you have to do, to get to the person you have to be, in order to achieve your goals and dreams. Only you can do the work and only you will take the blame...good and bad.

So stop chasing your life and attack it. Ask any professional athlete which is harder... offense or defense?  They will all say DEFENCE! Defending is always harder than taking the offensive approach. But some will say, “but defense wins games”. Have you ever watched a defensive game of anything? It’s boring as heck! Is that the life you dream of for you and your family, boring and uninspired? And besides, if you have a far superior offense, defense doesn’t matter. So what does your offense look like? Do work on it and practice? You deserve a happy and exciting life too. 

Quit reacting to life and ACT! If it’s not working, adapt! You’re not unsuccessful because of the economy, the election, your politicians, because of the person who cut you off in traffic or any other external force....you are unsuccessful because of you and more so, your mindset! AND your success is also because of you!

You are not a victim unless you choose to be! It is 100% your choice to have a victim mindset. So choose to work on thinking differently, so you can act differently and improve your actions and process!

Quit chasing others' lives or their idea of what yours should look like. 

Attack your life, you only have one of them...now, go be a Warrior!!!

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Jan 20, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Cost vs Value

Cost (effort) vs Value (your why)

Your “WHY” is the foundation of everything you put your focus into. If your “WHY” was not important enough you would not achieve any of your goals...large or small.

Your “WHY” has to be more fierce than your fears or discomfort, or you will quit everything that is not. If your discomfort of being hungry is a greater discomfort than the cost of the energy it takes to make a meal, then you will get up and get something to eat. If it is not, you won’t until your WHY becomes greater than the challenge to overcome it. If the cost of getting in trouble for not completing an uninspiring task or responsibility is not as great as the fulfillment of completing the task, that task most likely is not getting done. 

We are constantly weighing out everything we do...cost vs value. From the smallest daily task to the largest life-changing decisions. What does this cost me and what value am I getting for it? Your WHY is the value, and if you don’t see the value, you’re not going to pay the cost!

Your WHY is the single most important aspect of achieving success at any level and in any goal. Do not take it lightly and be clear about it!

Now, go work on your WHY, be clear about your WHY so you can get the value out of your life that you deserve...now, go be a Warrior!!!
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Jan 17, 2021

Pipke’s Perspective | Regret vs Discipline

So I read somewhere that Michael Jordan was the most naturally talented basketball player that his coaches and teammates ever saw. They said he would show up late to practice, leave early, didn’t have to practice shooting or passing or work on his cardio or weight training. He didn’t worry about watching game films or studying his opponents. They said he didn’t really have to do much at all off the court but he would be magnificent on the court almost every time!


NO!!! That was not what they said. He was actually one of the first to show up, last to leave, would do extra reps, watch more game videos, practice shooting, and passing more than everyone else. He would work on his mindset and visualize taking the game-winning shot in the biggest games. He worked hard on himself and practiced intensely every day. He worked so hard that when game day came....well if you ever watched MJ play basketball, he made it look effortless.

But he didn’t win on game day. He didn’t become the GOAT by making the biggest shot in the biggest games. He won while no one was watching. He won during the early morning practices where he would show up early and watch game film. He won when he would stay late shooting after everyone had left. He won by building his mindset constantly every day. So when game day came, he was already winning.

So, knowing what we know now. How historical his achievements in basketball were. The contributions those achievements allowed him to make to countless people and groups and organizations...do you think if MJ was able to understand all those years ago, the impact he would have in his life and the life of countless others, do you think he would have regretted not winning while no one was looking? Do you think he would have regretted not being so disciplined, not working so hard away from the game-day lights? Do you think he would have regretted achieving an average life by only doing the bare minimum or enough to get by or working only when the mood hit him? It’s impossible to say. What we can be certain of, is all those contributions would have never happened and many would not have experienced what his achievements provided had he not been as disciplined.

What are you leaving on the table? By not being as disciplined as you could be, by not winning when no one is looking, by not working on yourself and your craft, by not doing what it takes to reach your goals and dreams...what future magnificence are you possibly jeopardizing? What will you and your family be missing out on?

In the end, when you look back at your life and achievements, are you going to look back and say, “I’m glad I didn’t make more calls, I’m glad I didn’t talk to more people, I’m glad I didn’t liberate other families from the weight of their burdens, I’m glad I didn’t give others more hope, I’m glad I only worked when I felt like it...I’m glad I only showed up on game-day”? Will you regret your lack of action? Or.......will you make a decision to work on your discipline, so that final conversation with yourself will be one of accomplishment and gratitude that you put in the work, you put in the success tax, you won while no one was looking?

Be disciplined at actions that will bring fulfillment in whatever you want to achieve. Practice, train, prepare so when you step on the court of life, you make it look effortless!

Now, go make YOUR greatness look effortless...go be a Warrior!!!

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Jan 14, 2021

Pipke's Perspective | Conquer vs Being Controlled by Your Fear.

You may have heard somewhere before that fear doesn't really exist. It is a mental illusion of a possible occurrence that has not happened and very rarely ever does and even more rarely ever does at the extent you imagine.
But fear feels real to the majority of people. And that fear will keep you stuck. Like driving in a deep rut that makes it difficult to steer your vehicle, fear can make it difficult to break out of your rut in life.


And if we stay in that rut long enough, we get comfortable with never trying to change our trajectory. We follow in a rut created by others...their opinions, their fear of failing, their lack of confidence, their indecision, their apathy, their abandonment of goals and dreams, their willingness to settle for less than they want and much less than they can achieve. And when we try to steer out of the rut, there is resistance. Let's call it fear, indecision, lack of confidence. So we feel the resistance and just allow ourselves to slide back into the rut.

We take our hands off the steering wheel of life and coast in a rut of mediocrity or worse. But there is a way out of that rut. It starts with your personal integrity.

Do you keep the promises you make to yourself? When you do not, especially with the little things, you condition yourself to know that you are full of crap and don't follow through with what you say. And if you can't follow through with the little things, your brain will conclude you will never achieve the big things. This will crush your self-confidence. And the root of confidence is “confide" which means to have complete trust. So if you cannot trust yourself, how will anyone else.

So how do we build our self-confidence, thus building our personal integrity and helping us get out of our rut? Start with something small, one small victory every day to start with a positive outcome. My suggestions and what has worked for me.......

1. Make your bed every morning! It takes 2 minutes but you start with a victory (See Admiral McRaven speeches for more detail)

2. After a couple of days, add taking a couple of minutes to write in a gratitude journal. Appreciate the things you have, a roof over your head, a warm home on a cold day, a great friend and/or family, electricity, running water...you get the idea. Start your day thinking positively about what you have and not what you don't.

3. After a few more days, say out loud at least 10 things you are great at or like/love about yourself.

4. A few days later, add reading out loud your goals and dreams. Visualize yourself at the moment you achieve those dreams and imagine how you feel at that moment! Attach an emotional feeling to your realized achievement! Run your finger over the words as you read them to add another one of your senses to the group!

5. Next try reading a few pages a day from a book that will inspire and move you. In all, that entire list will take about 15 minutes in the end. If you think you can start doing it all right away, then try. But if it seems like a lot to remember, start with one thing and build from there. Do it for a month and you will create a habit!

Each one of these suggestions will be like someone walking beside your rut and helping you to find the energy to get past the resistance holding you back from breaking free, from living your goals and dreams!

Now go! Get out of your rut so you can help others get out of theirs... go be a Warrior!!!!

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