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The Herb Coach

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The Herb Coach
Jean Dansereau
5 - 9977 178 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta

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Payment Methods
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Hours of Operation
Monday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
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The Herb Coach

7 Reviews
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2 years ago
Cheryl Bell , an Anonymous Member,  wrote:
Jean Dansereau's knowledge of how the body works and how it tells us that it needs help is truly amazing. Things that never meant anything to me like skin color, texture even wrinkles are like a road map of health to Jean. Jean was able to diagnose and treat knee pain I was having simply by looking at exterior symptoms. I did not go to him for knee pain nor had I mentioned it to him but after doing a health history with him he told me my kidneys were needing help and that we should look after that before my "knees" started to hurt. I was so surprised that he knew that my knees were sore but the best part was, he explained why the kidneys were causing my knee pain and what we could do for it. It has been about three months now and my knees are incredibly better.
I used to see Jean years ago and did very well for a long time, however, for whatever reason I put my health on the back burner. However, when I started having issues again, I knew exactly where to go. He is kind, compassionate and non judgemental but most of all knowledgeable. I have recommended many of my friends and family to see him and have total confidence in recommending him to you as well.

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2 years ago
Pat , an Anonymous Member,  wrote:
Upon recommendation from Jean I tried the Black Fulvic Care product. The first day I did a foot bath with 1/4 tsp of the powder in warm water for 20 minutes before bed. That night I slept through the night from 10PM to 7:30 AM. I have not slept for more than 5-6 hours a night in the past 15 years! Even my shoulder (torn rotator cuff & arthritis) did not wake me up. Again, a first in the past 3 years.

I have used the powder in a bath; a poultice on my shoulder; foot baths every other day; as well as dissolving the Black Oxygen tablets in water and sipping it throughout the day.

The key thing I have noticed since starting the product was the dramatic improvement in both the quality and length of my sleep.

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2 years ago
Aman Bains , an Anonymous Member,  wrote:
I have known Jean since June 2018, and have been consistent client until the present day. Jean took the time to listen to and understand my issues and is always looking at ways in which he can improve himself in order to help me. Jean is the reason I am feeling as great as I am today and I would urge anyone who has any health related issues, to strongly consider booking a consultation with Jean. After the specialists at University of Alberta Hospital ran out of answers and did not know how to help me, Jean was there to not give up on me and made it his mission to help me become healthy and live a normal life again, he is great at what he does and is an honest and very knowledgeable herbalist.

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3 years ago
Bob Aloisio , an Anonymous Member,  wrote:
Jean was kind enough to introduce me to Black Oxygen Organics . Wow, what an amazing product. My sleep has increased 10 fold and my energy is through the roof. Thanks !!

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6 years ago
Maggie , an Anonymous Member,  wrote:
I've been working with Jean for approx. 6 months now and he's helped me with the following things to just name a few: 1. Energy - I've seen a 50% increase in my energy levels at min. 2 - Digestion (I have celiac disease and have had issues for many years). 3 - Liver function which has helped me in my ability to sleep and energy. 4 - Weight loss - I've been on keto with his advice and have lost weight and can wear clothes now that I haven't been able to for at least 7+ years. My hunger now feels regulated and I no longer have cravings for sweets.

I've been a healthy person for so many years but haven't been able to have the energy to do the day to day things like I do now. I still have some work to do but honestly am a different person than I was before I started to work with Jean. I refer him to everyone I know!.

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6 years ago
Joyce Cook , a member from Sherwood Park,  wrote:
In 1992 I was not in very good shape and see what he could do - had a lot of heallth issues. My daughter, Ramona encouraged to go and see Jean and I have never looked back. He is a wealth of information and coached me along the way. Thank you, Jean

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6 years ago
Glenda Semotiuk , an Anonymous Member,  wrote:
I have been going to Jean for 23 years and I swear he is the reason I am walking today.

He is definitely the best in the business.

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